Can you hear me cry out to you? Words I thought I'd choke on figure out. I'm really not so with you anymore.
My brother moved out of the house two days ago, and I got his room yesterday. Now my little sister and I have our own rooms. Except I have my own closet, heh. I spent most of yesterday afternoon putting my clothes in the closet, moving my stuff into the bookcase, changing up my beddings, and tearing down my brother's posters. I've only left three posters up: a Homies poster to remind me of when I used to hang out with druggies before they became druggies, a Bully poster from the PS2 game Bully to remind me of boarding school and independence, and a Shadow of the Colussus poster (which I assume is a game) because it has this huge stone monster-being thing that takes up nearly all of the two-foot poster and a little human warrior that takes up at least two inches, hahah. I liked the proportions. My brother's staying in this building seperate from our house, but on our property, so when he finds his own place, he'll be taking the desk I'm on now and the revolving chair with him. Which means I'll probably get my own desk but I'll be choosing it! But that's not gonna be for awhile, heh. So my mom's putting more responsibility on me by finally making me wash my own clothes and having me do more chores around the house. I enjoy cleaning, I really do, but I don't wake up and just automatically start cleaning. I have to be motivated! Hehe, so once I start, I don't really stop. But on her payday, she's going to get a floor-length wall mirror and a laundry basket for me, and maybe a new mattress. I would LOVE a new mattress.. My sleeping pattern's gone to sh*t. But I'm following a workout schedule. It's a little tear-out booklet from the July issue of Seventeen magazine, hehe. I have to do the arms and chest workouts tonight. Which will require dumbbells. I have these three-pounders, hah. And it asks for 3- to 5-pound dumbbells, so I'm okay! =D But it's a six-week plan, and I'm already through a week. I'm going to look through my other Seventeen issues from the past few months for other workouts. I reeeeeaaally want those black Coach high-top shoes.. Perhaps I could request them from my parents soon. I haven't any idea how long it'll stay up online. I didn't see a pair of them at the Macy's nearest me, so the Internet is my only hope. And the tops can be folded down over the ankle, and it has a pretty interior just for that! I need to get new flats as well. My black leather ones are my only pair and I've been wearing them all year. They're a little scuffed, and I went over the scuffs with a Sharpie, but they're pretty worn out. And leather's a b*tch on your feet! I nearly got blisters when I first got them and was breaking them in! I'm hoping to wear skirts and show off my legs more this year as well. >w< Not super short skirts or jean skirts, but fluffy, lacy ones or pleated skirts. >=D YEAH! I also want to get more collared tops and long-sleeve shirts. My arms look good in long sleeves.. =) I still want to get that pink hairstyle, but I'm sooo afraid it'll turn out bad on me. I could adjust the pink shade of course, and ask the stylist to alter the lengths of the layers to fit my face, but still! I'd have to get special shampoo and conditioner to keep the colors alive as well, and I wouldn't be allowed to wash my hair for fear of running the colors or something bad like that. And my hair would probably have to be bleached first for a good pink shade, since my hair's so dark. Well, I'm getting tired so that's enough for now.

I'm just a ghost, So I can't hurt you anymore, So I can't hurt you anymore!
Wicked Crud · Wed Jul 08, 2009 @ 07:49am · 0 Comments |