Age: 856
Race: Vampire
Height: 5'7
Appearance: [One in frount]

Bio: Not even a month after he was born, his parents who had wanted nothing to do with him after the first month, left him on the step to a wather renound brothel, knowing what would become of their son but didn't care. As the years past and he grew, he at first treated like a servent boy, having been sent into the rooms to clean them after a costumer left, as well as make sure a bath was ready. When he turned 14, he started his training in the art of sexual pleasuring, when he was 16, he was given his first costumer, who had also happened to be his biological father but he didn't know. As the years past he grew closer to the other whores, as they were called, in the brothel, thinking of them as his family, often playing around with them when they were closed for sundays and major holidays.
Sexuality: Pan