Age: unknown
Race: Half Elf Half Dryad
Height: 5'6"


Bio: She Is Tahsael's cousin and about the only from their village that treats him as such, having often given him shealter much to the elder's dislike. Though he kept it hidden, she proudly shows that she is part of the royal family though isn't stuck up like most royalty turn out to be.
However, one day she was told by the council that she is betorthed and had three years till the wedding to get to know her future husband; Rand. The moment they were introduced, warning bells went off in her mind, telling her not to trust him so she didn't.
As the years wound down till the wedding was only 6 months away she came apon Tahsael's lover Mahak outside his old home where they usualy met. When she found him, he was seriously injured, his neck having been cut open and practically left for dead. Quickly she rushed him back to the village after making a bandage for him to slow the bleeding.
Over the months they grew close, him like a protective older brother too her. However, he didn't like Rand, even moreso then her. He had told her what had happened once he had the strength and how Tahsael was taken by the slavers while Zael was in control of their body.
Distrought by the news, she wanted nothing to do wth the mariage and instead, wanted to be out looking for her cousin but the council refused her and forced to go through with it.
Then came the fatefull day, where after the wedding he revealed his true colors to her, saying how she was merely a tool to get what he wanted, power, and raped her soon after.
Alone with no one else to turn too, she went to Mahak once she was sure Rand was asleep, and told him everything that had happened while sobbing before promptly passing out from the stress that her body had been put through.
While she was sleeping Mahak quickly packed their things and left the village, taking her to the only place they would be safe; Nico and Seve's home.
There have been ever since and Steve and Nico are currntly changing her into someone who would be accpeted as a new slaver in order to try and get Tahsael and his child which he is carrying and close to birth back.
Sexuality: Straight