Race: Pureblooded Vampire
Height: 6'8"
Age: Lost track

Bio: He is Xavier's Sire, and also one of the eldest Vampyres to walk the earth. He has been around since pretty much the fall of Lucifer and can be very sadistic when he wants to, normally playing with his food, enjoying to torment the human race. When he pretty much stumbled upon Xavier he knew he once the one he would take on as his sucsesser in case anything happened to himself. unable to control himself, he pretty much feasted himself on the young body before turning the young man and took him away to his castle where he continued to pleasure himself, slowly working on twisting the youths mind. Unfortunally, things didn't work as he planed and came home one day to find his heir gone without a trace. To this day he is still searching for him, a deep anger deep within his heart at the betrayal in his eyes.
Sexuality: Pan.