Age: 24
Race: Phantom
Height: 6'3"
Appearance: [human]

Bio: Unlike most in his village, he has always been facinated by wolves, often going camping whenever the weather permited it in opes of catching a glimpse of the, in his eyes, most beautiful animal's to walk the earth. After a series of events [read Wilde Spirit] he quite literally threw himself inbetween the ground of humans and Lochlan, the wolf, and was soon after shot to death but not before he could utter his promice and i quote ""If your going to shoot then do it, seal your fates in needless bloodshed because I promise you this, I will come back and haunt you and your children and your children's children."" So he is currently with Lochlan, the wolf he saved untill he decides to start haunting the humans reasponsable.
Sexuality: unknown