Its valentines Day ;DD....i took pictures of us kissing eachother xDD when we were drunk from all of that wine.!! and some pictures of us just celebrating the holiday &w&

kini mad us a cake >w<

kago and miyu x3

...raye and boom x3

tekee and kini xD.....Kini gave tekee a chocolate he wont stop hugging her xD

kago is trying to make a cake x3 she has some on her nose xP

x3...panic says be mine

....panic says hi again xD

...boom x3

..tekee x3

...its me x3

...i wonder wat shawn's thiking about ?O:

...julliet =P

...secks x3

...i got raye a hat x3

...momo o//o; u see wat his heart says!!xDD WTF!!


..looks like andie forgot it was v-day xD
Oh look a cupid!!o0o

wait!!thats NOM!!! here r some kissy pictures of us that nom took &////&

....boom and jasper;D and momo...bak in the old days &///&...Damn u BOOM! D8&


...tekee and secks

...kini and raye ;D

...kago and andie ;D xDD and dimitri xD

secks was shot by noms arrow and thi is wat happened...poor momo xD

..O/// and someone(guess o////o
wink &/////&...Damn u NOM!!&///&

O////o....Blue!!Dont....not kago!!D8&....*nom is chuckling* O///o

DD8....julie and kago!!D8 For the love of god stop NOM!!&///&
nom: &w&.....never!!8D O/// and someone &///& (again) *glares at nom*

DD8...Nom strike again!! ..(momo and kini)

O///O;...uh...raye u ok? i think nom got him too &///& *baks away slowly* o///o;

O//// RAPE!!D8..Someone help me!!!DD8
um O//////o.....Happy weird valentines day DD8>
Wait!! wats this? o0o *nom hands me some pics* >o>


DD8 O//////o....MOMO AND TEKKEE!!
*faints* x////////x
Blue: *drools* 8D
heart heart