looks like kago is up to bat next 8D

WOAH!! WATCHOUT BOOM D8...looks like kini hit it out the park!8DHey look! its tekee and momo!

oxo; frodo and secks are throwing baseballs at eachother xDD

im going to c who's at the tennis courts x3

o0o i c kini again. looks like she's havin trouble with frodo

Woah! Secks is creamin her twinneh! 8D

Boomeh! Some DESCENCY WOULD BE NICE!! >_> xD

xDD andie!! WTF!! u made the boys team loose(epic fail) xDDD

im a beast at tennis =w= xD

i c kago bustin out some moves x3...Yay!! kago 8D
lets c who's at the basketball courts...shall we .w.

im going to go c who's inside playing basketball.

blueh, kini and panic are practcing before the game.

o0o i c kini. looks like she's ready to go in

boom, and panic look like there ready to score
well now im going to go visit the track feild

theres boom again ^^

xD secks is out running panic. Hey look!! there's Dimitri! 8D

o0o blueh looks pretty <3

yea...this is wat happens when u play sports with deleinquents. >__>; i sometimes regret being a sensei..but its still fun..i guess
well thank u!!so much for coming to watch my lovley students play there sports alrighty then gotta go bak to teaching so.... x3

byes x3

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