so lets c who the masta minds are in teh kitchen 8D

Boom!! gosh i love being in her kitchen it so cool x3

lol having trouble with that omelet kini?

Secks trying to cook xD

this is wat happenes when we let blueh cook >_>;; lol

Rofl!! Frodo and some random chick xD

kago is teaching boom some tricks

haha im watching kago and boom :'D

looks like blueh got her cooking under control o.o; xD

miyu :'D

Frodo :'3

yea in the end we always end up eating with eachother in pride..enjoying the warmth and the comfotness of our friends
........Dont worry girls i got pics of guys cooking too! >8D..thats gonna b my next journal entry~ >w> *chuckle* xD alrite c ya l8ter x3