Like omg!! its been a while since ive made one of these!! &w& rly sorry for not being up here in a long time, ive been so busy!!&_&..but while i was drawing i had this idea of us being ninja's x3 so yea here it goes.

Tis secks x3

Blueh!!! 8D

Frodo o0o

kini :3

panic xP

kago x3

miyu .o.

Boomeh!! 83

me!! (when i had short hair .__.)

nom 8P

angelic x3
Now here r the boys!!

O_o; momo!! we said ninja's not pirates xD

o.o; tekee looks different with his hair spiked up 8P

o0o raye


well yea bak now and better then ever!!x3 and yea thats pretty much it soo... here's a pic of me at my house. u should visit it at our guild. its huge xP.
xD (if u kno wat im talking about Hint: guild!! fond memories~ 46/69)byes!! >//w//< yours truly,
heart Mei-chan~