Hey look!! theres Secks!!
Secks: Hey comeone mei!!..The festival is this way!!8D

Hey blue!!8D
Blue: Hai's Pretty lady xDD

Kini!! HI!!
Kini: Hey..mei!;3

Me:wow everyone looks all pretty tonite>w<

(secks and kini)Secks: r u gonna eat that?
Kini: nope...xP
Me: hey guys!!8D
Secks: hey mei!!
Me: runs off: Man i gotta find a dressing room D8
Boom: Hey MEI!!8DD

Boom: come join me!!8D
Me: um ......i cant ...i gotta go change...ill come bak!!8D
Boom: mkay!;3
Me: *dashes off**runs past a group of girls*

(nom, masha,blue, and sango)Masha: MEI!!! Come eat with us!!!
Nom: yea...the onigiri is awsome >w<
Me:..um...maybe later guys ...i gotta change in my kimono..ok
Blue: DD8 AWWW...PLZ!!
Me:...umm....later..k ^^
Everyone: ok
Me: *waves good bye and runs off*
Panic: Hey mei if ur looking for the dressing room its down there!

Me: oh ok thanx!!^^ *follows that way*
*runs into kini* >o< ow!!*falls*

Kini: O: Mei...u..ok?
Me: *nods*..hey wheres the dressing room?8O
Kini: go down that way and take a left :3
Me: mkay*runs that way* Thanx!!
kini: be careful its crowded!!x3
Me: *runs down pathway*

(boom and dimitri playing some kind of shooting game)
Boom: DIMITRI!!D8 aim my arms higher!!
Dimitri:im trying!!D8...*aims higher*
Boom: there ya go!!8D...oh HEY MEI!!
Me: O: hey boom and dimitri
Dimitri: ;D..hey~
Boom: Dimitri...&&..control ur self
Dimitri: :< ...mkay
Me: hehe ^//^;...wheres the dressing room?O:
Boom: That way *points to the left*
Me: ok...thanx *runs off*
*takes a left and sees a crowd*

Me: O_O;..OMG!! Kini was right!! its crowded!!
*makes way through crowd*
Me:..um...excuse..me..uh..sorry..uh..pardon me..^^;

Me: *pants* D8...geez!!
(Masha is clinging to her man mamorou)

Masha: Mei!!:3
Me: Masha!!*hugs*...hey isnt the dressing room that way!!O:
Masha: yea...its right across there oh and some lady neede u there..:3
Me:..mkay thanks...*walks across the crowd*
*knocks and goes inside* ello

Me: wow...nice place.
shrine lady: welcome u must be mei...*bows*

Me: *nods*...yes...
Shrine lady: scome this way to the dressing room..
Me: *follows*
another lady: um...right this way miss ^^

Me*goes inside*
Kago: MEI!!8D

Me: Kago!!8D..wat r u doing here?
Kago: waiting on u silly ;D..now comeone lets get u dressed!
(10 minutes later)
Me:..*walks out*
Kago: Wow..Mei u look SOOO cute!!
other lady: wow..miss...u..look..lovely .//.

Me: i do .///.?
Kago:..yea turn around ...so i can see the bak
Me:...*turns around*

me: .////.
Kago: awww...x3..*hugs*..i cant wait to show the others!! wait! but first we have to find the boys...so they wont miss the fireworks O:
Me: mkay
Kago: thanks again miss ^^
Lady: no problem..anytime ^^
(Kago and i r off to find the boys)
(momo is hanging out in the dojo near the skura trees)

Me: MOMO!!!
Momo:..O: Mei!!83..*hugs*
Me: x3
Kago:..inu...come with us to find the others
Momo:..uh....sure *follows*
Kago:....now we need to find tekee..O:
Momo:..i kno where he is...he was sitting on the steps before i left to go change.
Me: oh...wait!..i see him!8D Tekee!!>o<
Tekee: *wakes up*

Tekee:...hm?..O: Mei!!*glomps*
Me: O//o;..uh.
Momo: *laughs* xD
Kago:Tekee...come with us to find the other boys ._.
Tekee:...sure ^^
Me:..were u just sleep then? >o>
Tekee:..maybe..y?..were u staring at me in my sleep ;D
Me: o///o;...ew...no!!D8
Tekee: :3....right~? >w>
(kago, momo, tekee, me) : *walking*
Kago:...hmmm...i think i see vivi..
Me: that looks like him O:
Tekee:...on the balcony of that dojo!O:
Kago: Vivi!!>o<

Vivi:hm....*looks over balcony*..oh...hey wat r u guys doing here?
Me:....we r gathering people to come see the fireworks ^^
Vivi:...Fireworks....mkay..i guess..ill come
Me: yay! ^^
Kago:...good...now all we need is andy, shawn, and raye
Me:...O:....and danna! 8D
Kago:..danna? >>
Me:..yes..i invited sasori-danna 83
Kago: mkay...
(we all are walking in the 46 forest)

*bushes are rustling*
Me: *screams and clings to momo* Wat the hell was that!!D8
Kago: O_o;...i dunno!!*hides behind tekee*
Tekee is shaking: O.o;....uh...uh..
(everyone is scared to death) O_O...O.o....o.O...O_o;
Vivi:...Raye is that u >.>

Raye: GAH!!O_O.....how did u guys find me D8
Raye:...wat?...cant a guy walk through the woods without being bothered >>
Momo:.. <<....not out here!D8
Vivi:..come with us to see the fireworks
Raye: FIREWORKS!!8DD...ok..
Me: Raye have u seen andy,saso,or shawn anywhere?O:
Raye*crosses arms*...ive seen shawn and saso....and i think ive seen andy hanging out in the alley..i dunno y though.
(shawn is walking out of the forest)

Shawn:*turns around*...mei?
Me:*runs up to shawn and grabs his arm* Come see the fireworks with us O:
Shawn: o3o...ooo! Fireworks!
Kago:Mei...bring shawn...we have to find andy
Me: mkay *tugs shawn*..comeon ^^
Shawn: *follows*
(We all r leaving the forest and headind toward the 46 neighborhood)

Momo:..wow its dark here
Me:..yea everyone is at the festival at 69 ._.
Kago:...im scared *clings to mei*
Me: *clings bak* D8
Raye: *clings to both of u* xDD
Vivi: Andy!!>o>
Momo: Andy Buddy!! where r u!D8
Me: Andy!!!PANDY!!D8
Kago runs down the street: i'll check this way...Mei come with me..I cant trust any of these guys... with u or me alone>>
(all the guys look away)
Me:... .w. mkay *follows*
(Andy is just leaving his house)

Andy: O_O;..*yells* AHH!!D8
Kago and i scream: aaaaahhhh!!
Andy: oh...xD...hey mei and kago ;D
Kago; >>...andy..i cant believe u live out here D8
Me:...its creepy O:
(All the guys run toward the screaming they heard)
Raye: wat happened O_o
Me:..oh...nuthin...false alarm ^^;
Vivi:...theres andy...i see u guys found him
Kago: *nods*
Me:...now all we need is saso!
Andy: O: saso lives right across the street from me :3
Me: O: *walks across the street to saso's house*

Kago: oh no!!*looks at the sky* the fireworks have started!!
(door opens)

Saso: MEI!! Come in and Join my Soda Fight itll Be fun!!!x3
Me:*drags saso out the door* ur coming with us!
Saso: O_o...mkay hold on *Yells*...MOM!! IM GOING TO THE FESTVAL!! **shuts door*...mkay lets go!!^^
(We all run bak to 69 festival)

Kago: i See LIGHTS!!!
(everyone runs up to the shrine)

Boom: Hey guys!! Welcome bak!!
(Everyone made it bak...just intime to see the finale....I remeber this like it was yesterday.=w=...it was the most amazing time of my life!