I teach at A.H.O.P.D with a degree of a 5.8 average d: ....I love teaching my kids they are absoulutlety great!!!First up: a student of mine the lovely boom herself ;3

right now she has a 96.7 grade average in my class. she has the second highest average in my classs. Shes cheerful, entergetic, and can be naughty sometimes O///o; (broom closet) D8

momo: wat the hell?o//o;O///o;...oh...its nuthin >//>...O yea..i forgot to introduce the male sensei Mr. Momo-samma <3

one of the *coughs* smexy..teachers here ~//~; he has a masters degree on teaching Math and science.(which i suck in D cool Next we have the first highest student in my class Ms. Konany her self <D

she is also a great student. She can be roudy at some points, and well outgoing.....but u kno she is still a good student ^^O//o;...um...Ms kago...wat do u p-plan on using those for?!? Kago: *evil grin*Next we have a new student in our class ms. masha-san ^^

i dont have much to say but she looks like a good student O:Um...here we have another devious student...

Ms. secks ...Shes another one of me "good" students(notice the qoutations xD) she is the 3rd highest ranked student in my class. She is another quiet person. Always thinking naughty things O//o;.Me: Ms. secks wat happens to be on ur mind? O///o;Secks: >w>...oh nuthing Sensei
8O...here we have one of our staffs who work here just like me!!^w^. This is Mr.Shawn-kun. He works down at the office with the Principle. From the look on his face..He looks like he hates his job xDD..He happenes to be one of the worst deliquients in our school (always doing bad things xD)

This is one of our assistant principals Mr. Andy ^^. he works down at the office too.
Tis the New HAWT history teacher -drools- o////o.Oh wait thats Tekee- samma!! yes hes the new hawt histroy teacher O-O

you all already kno who dimitri is ;D

our drama teacher (Vivi)

(raye) another one of our boy deliquents

Kini our secretary in the office

(nom) another of of my students)

(panic) another of my deliquients, she works as the sexy school janitor xD..>_> ( shes the one who does all the bad things like pushing me in a CLOSET!!>8O) XD

If ur not in this school and ur a BAD/NAUGHTY person come sign up for A.H.O.P.D!! ENROLL NOW!!!8DD