(kini, secks, kago, me)

(secks and kago...xD Secks wants teh panda) >w<

Its us(kathrine on thr right) (kago..and secks are getting drunk xDD.....im not in this pic cause i was the photographist &w&
(mean while...downstairs) LMAO!!!(kago is sexually harrasing me again o///o;....Secks is like : Only i Can DO THAT!! ....Kini is choking Momo xDD...Vivi..cant handle it xD...Shawn looks disturbed...and...theres a weird girl getting drunk..O_o;..who invited her!

(boom, shawn, and kago -drunk-)

I took a walk...from all of madness

(me and kago talking about ...guys)

(kago, Me, boom)

LMAO!!...i made shawn sleep downstairs with boom and secks..cause he wanted to sleep upstairs with me...and im like Nuh uh O///o;...shawn: y? D:

(secks and boom)

Nom! WOOT!! Shake it!!&w&