Age: 512
Race: Half Vampire half Blood demon

Bio: Every since he was little he has been on the run from slave traders and hunters, only feeding when he absolutely has too, having always hated the fact that he had to live off of others people's blood. He has tried to kill himself time and time again but was always stopped by one thing or another. He was abandoned at birth and was raised among a group of traveling gypsies and when he was old enough, helped them bring in money, having the ablility to bend blood to his will and thus make people move against their will. However, when he turned 21, his world was turned upside down. One night while they were traveling, their caravan was attacked b a group of bandits and slavers. The woman who was in charge of looking over him hid him away just has a group of slavers came to their cart and dragged her away while the bandits searched for anything of value and in the process broke the mask he wore whenever he would preform. After they were done he crawled out of his hiding spot and held the broken mask close to him before pressing it onto his face and disappeared into the night. To this day he still preforms when he gets the chance to keep the memory of the ones who took care of him alive.
Sexuality: Gay.