Chapter 3: An unpleasent day for a couple!
At 3:00pm, I headed to Ruri's home. She told me the other day where to find her, so I thought I could go sometime and be with her. When i finally got there it was a house colored in red with white, it has 3 floors and it looks really big enough for a family. Now that i wonder..... Why Ruri's home was so big, if in her family she only has her mother and her sister. Meaby it was when she had a father, since i asked her if she had one. And the only thing she did is be on a big silent. I should ask her mother if she can tell me. I walked then to the door and I knock the door.
-Coming...-said a strange voice.
The door opened and a Woman was standing in the door. She had long black hair, and brown eyes.
-Yes-she said- who are you....
-My name is Shingi Casaragi, I'm here to visit Ruri.
-Oh! Shingi, she talks a lot about you. You seem cute like she says- said while she smiled at me.
-....-My cheeks were so red. It seems Ruri told her mother about me.
-(Giggle) You really are like she says, you are so shy, and your cheeks go red.
Perfect, first Ruri was teasing me at school now her mother. I guess like mother like daughter.
-So your name is...- I said trying to remember her name.
-Sorry, how rude of me.
My name is Misato Ayato, Calll me Misato.
-Come in...
When I netered Ruri's home, there was a strange sound coming from upstairs. It sounded like a fight or something like that. Hey now that I remember....
-Misato, can I ask you about Ruri's father?
Her smiled changed so fast, just by the look of her, I knew that something happened.
-Her father died....
Ruri's father died, no wonder she was speechless when we were talking.
-Sorry, I didn't know....
-It's ok, don't worry.
Now that is done, what is happening upstairs. I keep looking until Misato knew that i was looking upstairs.
-Oh, the sound... It's pretty normal since Ruri fight all the time against Misaki, her sister.
-So Misaki is the name of her sister.
-Yep, come upstairs.
She guided me to the second floor but noone was there.
-Wait here.
She left me and started calling Ruri, after that she headed upstairs. After a little time I heard this:
-Say what, Shingi is here!- I rhink that is Ruri's voice.- going.
In that momment she was there.
-Shingi! How are you- she came like a bullet at me, and then she started hugging me.- How sweet of you to pay me a visit. Wait i want of you to meet my sister- She came closer and murmured- she is kind of a little wild ok.
She move then to the stairs and started calling her sister. If she told me that her sister was a little wild, What could she mean like that....
-Sis, this is Shingi.
-Nice to meet you- she had black hair and eyes just like Misato- My name is Misaki. Nice to meet you Shingi.
-Nice to meet you- I said kind of spaced of.
-Now you mind of telling me why did you throwed my dairy through the window yesterday- said Ruri with such a mad face. And I though my mother was scary.
-Hey, you were the one who started it, and after all, it was just a dairy.
-Just a dairy, in that dairy i had my hole life on it. And even after you throwed it through the window, it had to get in the river. Now how im i supposed to get it back!
This is getting a little overwhealming....
-And so what, it is still a dairy, no big deal about it.
I think I got stuck in a bad situation and payed a wisit in a bad day.
-You mind girls- said Misato- Shingi is here, is not a good time to pick a fight....
-Sorry- said both of them.
Finally a normal part, but the fight was normal. I guess.... After we had dinner i told Misato that I had to go to my home. Normaly, I thank for the dinner and the time and I headed home. After I headed to my home, in my way, the river that conected to Ruri's home is still in the same way that I was. But i noticed something, there was some tipe of book. Now that I wonder, it could be Ruri's dairy. I moved closer to it, and it really was her dairy. Meaby I should give it to her, but even so, I wish to find out about her.... I better keep it secret for now.
At the other day i meet my friends and Ruri as well. She was happy to seee me. Is was a good idead to live her dairy in my home since thing could go wrong...
-Shingi did you meet the new girl of school, you know, the tranfer student- said Ruri.
-No. Not yet.
-Well then, let's go to her. I wish to meet her.
When we headed were the tranfer student was, in that moment that i saw her, Ruri was allready asking her name.
- So what is you name- said Ruri with interest.
-My name....My name is Shihauru , nice to meet you?
-My name is Ruri, and this is Shingi.
-Hi- I said with a smile.
-Nice to meet you. So you are my classmates?
- Yep- said Ruri.
Normaly the day passed but even so i had a bad feeling about this, but i don't even know why.... At the other day when I arived at school, Steve told me that Ruri had a discution with Shihauru. And that even Ruri had given to Shihauru a really Strong palm in her cheek. I couldn't belive what I heard, I though they could be friends, like in the first day but now. I better get closed to it. When i got there, it was really both of them like Steve said.
-What is it Ruri, do I tell the truth or not- said shihauru with a smile that even gived me the chills.
-That is not truth. Shingi would let himself do such thing from you- said Ruri with a lot of tears falling from her. It seems I missed everithing...- He wouldn't!
-Oh really, just watch-after shihauru said that she come closer to me, but I tried to get far from her, but she holded my hands and started pulling me towards her. then she grad my face and kissed me......
There was a big silent, I never tough Shihauru would do such thing knowing that we were a couple.
-See what I tell you Ruri, no metter how many times you try to stop me, you will not. I will make sure that Shingi will be mine for ever!
I never in my life have seen Ruri cry like that.
-Ruri, Ruri are you ok?-I said.
-Leave me alone Shingi....- Ruri said.
-But Ruri, I didn't know this was going to happen, Ruri .....
- Leave me alone!- and she left crying.
-Why did you do this Shihauru, why?
-Cause I love you and I would do anything i can to get what I desire- she said while smiling at me and she moved closer to me to give me a second kiss.
In that moment I grabed in her elbow and push her to the wall.
-That hurts Shingi, stop!
-You just did something unfogiveble, you hear me Shihauru! I will never forgive you in my hole life!- in that momment I moved my arm back wards and then move it to punch her....
to be continew....
Sorry guys but you will have to wait for the next episode if you wish to se lot's of things and im telling you now, there will be surely be blood in the next eoisode so if you are one of those who can't stand the action, better not to read the next chapter. in the next chapter premire i will give you a bit of what will happen(and is not a spoil) only a bit):
"I never tough i would do such a thing to her.....Is all my fault, I should never done this before. Cause of what happened hurted Shihauru and now she is fighting for her life in the hospital..... Why I had to do this! And evenm Ruri will not even for give me... What should I do.....!? It was all my fault, I will put an end to this........ by taking my life..........."
That is the premire, better not miss the next chapter, Chapter 4: Of life or dead, Love is priceless!?
Bon apetite and be patient and remember to leave any suggestion, question or coment about this novel, chapter or Future chapter. This is all! Cya! Until next chapter!
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LivingWeapon's Dairy
Im a person with asperger syndrome, I might be weak but i do have a big heart :3
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Living Weapon-Dark Knight
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