Chapter 2: Love's Wish....
My heart was poundinfg so fast that no voice from me not even a single word could get out of my mouth. Icould not even move a little. Her lips were so close to mine. My body was so warm up. I needed to tell her that i needed time, but i can't. Then in those moments, the bell ringed.
-It's time, I have to go- she said.- I will give you time. It seems you need it, but please think about it.
-Bye! See ya at 3:00pm!
-Yep. Love ya!
She kissed me in my cheek and then she left. Man, my cheek still red from that part. This is such a wierd day, first almost a fight, then a love proposition. what is next. This is going to be a long year. I wonder, what did i forgot about, man im late for class! While I was going to my classroom i was thinking of that wierd girl and her proposition of love. What was her name again...
...Is Ruri Ayato. I guess..... I arrived at the classroom I was supposed to be. The teacher was there waiting for the other students.
-Is this group 9-2, is it right- I asked.
-Yes. I'm going to be your math teacher- he said.
After that i sitted in the middle chair of the left part of the class, near the windows. I saw some other students enter the class. Then the teacher closed the door.
-Hi, I'm your math teacher, My name is Orochiama. Today we will we will be working with the daily card and we will talk about us a little. So all of us at least will know atleast a little of each friend and each student's name and other stuff. So we will begin with the theme...
-Wait! Wait a moment please!
Someone opened the door so fast that i could not see who was.
-I'm Ruri Ayato. Sorry for being late but I got lost looking for this classroom.
-Ok. Ruri, have a sit please, were are going to begin- said the teacher.
What is she doing here! On top of she revelating her true love to me, she has to be in my classroom, man now this just keep getting better. All of my body started going hotter and hotter that not even I could move, my heart started to pound much faster.
-Oh, Shingi, you are here too- she said and her cheeks go so red- glad to have you as a classmate.
Then she smiled at me and she sat i n the chair in front of me.
- You are here tooo Ruri!- Oh perferct and i had to say that.
-Yes Shingi- then she simled at me as if she were more in love with me- this year is going to be so great. I'm really going to enjoy bieng in this classroom , expecialy with you- she crept closer to me- my love...
All of me just put even more hotter, and my face was more redder than a tomato.
-We batter pay attention - i said as last resort.
-Don't be to shy- she said and then she moved to pay attention to the class.
Dam, this is really a wierd day, and posibly a wierd school year. Man what should I do?
After some time I memorized some students name and even I made friends , but Ruri didn't. Why i wonder? Meaby i will ask her...
-Ruri, why don't you have any friends?
-No, I don't have any friends cause they have better friends to be with than with me.
-Oh sorry to ask...
-No, It's ok.
-So, you still thinking right?
-About what I asked you before.
-Oh, that! Yes I'm still thinking.
-(she smiled at me) Think about it will you.
She is so lonely, if i tell her no, that will put her sadder. That will explain why she asked me and couldn't be patient of waiting no longer. I feel so sorry for herand on top of that i feel love for her, a lot. Did i just thinked that, man i just falled in love with her, that is great now what... What should i do? I don't know what to do. I better keep that as a secret, until I got the right moment to tell her I guess... At 11:30 pm, I had lunch. It was so good, expecially my favorite tipe of rice (okaka flavor). Now that i wonder how Ruri is? And where?
-Hey guys. I'm going somewhere else ok- I said.
- Ok, see ya- they said.
Then i wonder what would happen if i said no to her. Man, what a drag. It's difficult to chose, that is why my mother told me to think carefully what my heart and feelings tell me to chose... It seems there's a lot of crowd there. Now that I remember, one of my friends told me that a girl that is call hikaru has a boyfriend who never respected her, he always putted horn to her. Poor of her. What is happening here. I better ask....
-Helllo, what is happening?- I asked.
-There's a fight. In there is Hikaru Chan and Ruri Ayato- he said.
No way, Ruri is in a fight! But she's the kind of shy girl. She wouldn't pick a fight with a girl. What is happening! I started running between the crowd, and there was Ruri, In the floor with some bruises.
-Ruri, what happened tto you!?
-I'm ok Shingi- she said with a painful voice.
-Hey, go somewhere else kid!- said that girl, it really was Hikaru chan.
-Why did you did this! Why!?
-Cause she is a freak girl that pushed me- she said.
-Because of that! Dam, What sort of wacko start a fight cause she just did it by accident!?
-What, you jerk!
She tried to punch me, but Idogde it.
-That's it!- she said with a furious voice- Kile kick his but!- she said.
-What ever....- said kile.
It's that Hukaru's boyfriend. He started a fight with me, and i dogde his attacks. But Hikaru started to attack Ruri. But I moved to were Ruri was, but her attack hitted me. Hit by hit, I started to bleed from my mouth. Until they were confused.
-Why you protect her?- she asked.
Oh well this counts as an important event then...
-Cause i love her....
In that momment there was a deep silent.
-You love her- she said- That is why you protect her?
-Cause I will never let her down, unlike your boyfriend putting you horns!- I had to say that...
-What!- she screamed- kile is that true!
-Sorry Hikaru, I never falled in love with you, but ether i wanted to let you cry.....
-(sniff) Why... Just go kile, i don't want to see you again....
-Ok....-and he left.
-Sorry about that- she said.
-It's ok.
-Sorry Ruri!
-Don't worry- said Ruri.
And then Hikaru left us...
-Ruri are you ok!?- I said really worried.
-I'm fine. Just a couple of hits. that's all- she said trying to hide her pain.
-Shingi!, I will guide you to the enfermery. Shingi... Shingi!
-Sorry Ruri, I can't help it,
After that my sight whent in white. when i recovered I lost the next class, but Ruri took notes for helping me. At 3:00pm she asked if I was fine.
-I'm ok- I said.
-So,are you going to be with me?
-Yes, I said in the fight and my answer is still the same.
-(giggle) Ok.
She crept close to me and closer un till she kissed me, I never have been kissed by someone, It is strange since I had a fight and got hurt, the kiss teasted like blood but with sweetness. It dured 10 seconds.
- Se ya tomorrow- she said while running to her mothers car and then she left school. Dam, i had my first kiss!
-Shingi! Let's go- said mom.
Until that night i was thinking about Ruri, and that kiss too! I couldn't stop thinking of it. Now that I wonder, How should I make her happy, meaby I will date her...
At the other day my mom woke me up again at 7:00 am to left me at school. Some of my friends told me that there was a new transfer student to or class room. Her name was Shihauru. Now that i wonder, were is Ruri? I asked one of my friends, his name was Steven.
-Steven have you seen Ruri?
-Yep,she is on the back of the school.
-Ok, thanks.
So i wen to the back and i saw her, she was eating some cinnamon rolls she had. Is normal, I guess, cause she told me that she eated a lot, and then after she eats she wonders what she would eat next. It is so funny, and I don't know why. Now that i noticed, She really looks so pretty expecialy with those blue eyes and hair. Her favorite color is pink and blue, but mine is only blue. She is not that skinny but nether that fat too, she is regular. And she is so cute! The day passed normaly. At least a normal day in the year.
At the other day I asked like yesterday where was Ruri but they told me she was sick, I Wonder why she got sick. Some teacher told me that i could call her, and then they gived me their phone number, so I decided to pay a visit after Shcool, I took notes and I headed to her house at 3:00pm....
Next chapter: Chapter 3: An unpleasent day for a couple!
Don't miss it, the next chapter there would be new character and new problems. Find out what could happen after Ruri's dairy takes a deep splash and is taken away by the river.
by: Heartless kid( yeod)
Don't miss it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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LivingWeapon's Dairy
Im a person with asperger syndrome, I might be weak but i do have a big heart :3
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Living Weapon-Dark Knight
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