People change when it comes to normal things, what they dont change are their feelings to the people they got attached to. This happened to me once, yet I still hold of these feelings as I hold my memory. This life of mine, since I started to grow these feelings and hold them tightly, have not been mine alone. It now carries the memory of 2 people, perhaps even more... Things such as Fate may be the one who controls the strings of our paths, our own decisions. Who knows? Perhaps we might change this string to yet another new start. Just Fate isn't all that matters or is needed to live such life. We just need to learn how to handle such emotions that drives us away from the person we care for, from our live.. Maybe even more. There are even paths that walk the darkest roads you could ever imagine. But sometimes, that Darkness can act as Light .
Just cause we are Dark Angels does not mean we will burn in hell.