Chapter 4: Of life or dead, Love is priceless!?
-You just did something unforgiveble, you hear me Shihauru! I will never forgive you in my hole life!- in that moment I moved my arm back wards and then move it to punch her... But in that moment, enstead of giving her a punch, I slapped her in her cheek.
I never done that before. My hand was hurt, it seems that I really slaped her to strong. And her face is so red, but I did it for what happened here. I wonder if i hitted her to strong....
- Why did you slaped me, why!?- she said while crying in the floor.
-Cause what you did is unforgiveble!- i said so furious that even that make her cry even more.-Why tell me why, why did you had to put Ruri's relationship and mine to risk, why?
-Shut up...
-Speek up, why!?
-I told you already, Cause im in love with you....
-Shut up and don't tell lies!?
-You will never understand why!
And after that she left from that place. The first thing i did is to find Ruri, but when i finded her she didn't speeked with me, not even a single word. I feel so sorry for what happened and even when I tryed she didn't tell me anything.
The day had passed and even so, when I tryed to call her, she picked up the phone, but she didn't talk. At the other day at school, she was still the same that in the other day and Shihauru was imposible to find. At 11:30am, I went to my home classroom, to find out more from Shihauru. Orochiama told me she had problems all the time with Ruri, that she was a tranfer student from other school too. After 3:00pm I headed to my home, there was one more way to find out. By reading Ruri's dairy. When I finally got home, I started to look where was Ruri's dairy. I founded it in my desk, I know this is against my will, but if it is the only way to know more then I will. I opened the dairy and started reading....
Friday 21, 7 years....
Dear dairy,
Today I meeted a new friend, her name is Shihauru, she seems pretty nice to me, and even we were playing with each other. This day was so special that i will never forget...
Saturday 22, 7 years....
Today i was being so nice to her that i started to invite her with my best friends. They really accepted her a lot, like a sister.....
Man I better give a big skip to this, is just to boring........
Monday 13, 11 years....
Today some of my friends were telling me that Shihauru had given them sirious problems, cause they say that she had been doing or destroying their lifes for some reason. They told me that meaby it was cause they said something to her, and then she stoled their friends. I couldn't belive what they said to me. they then decided to not to talk to me since i was prtecting her.
Thursday 14, 11 years....
I decided to talk to her about what happened with some friends of mine, and she told me I betrayed her, and then she left. I could never found her after that...
Friday 15, 11 years....
When I finally found her she was really like my friends said to me, all of my friends, all of them they are now Shihauru's. She stole everybody from me, and when i tryed to talk to them they told me that I better shut up...
Dam that Shihauru, why she had to do that to her....
Saturday 16, 11 years....
Today was the worst day of my life. I told Shihauru that no matter how manytimes she stealed my friends, I will still have my family and she don't. After that I left her crying in the floor, but that wasn't the thing that happened in this day. My father was murdered by someone. When I saw his body, the only thing I did was cry in him. But the worst was that the murderer was made by Shihauru, my mom said to me. After that everything whent in blank.
-Hey, there are pages missing... I wonder why?
No to think of it now wonder she never told me about her father. That is it. Im going to Shihauru's home. After some preparations I decided to head for her house.When I got there I saw some police men. I better ask...
- Lady are you Shihauru's mother...
-Yes- she said- and you are?
- I'm Shingi, a friend of hers.
-Say what!?-her face changed to somewhat of furious- You are the responsible. -Say what!?
- She leaved a note telling she is going to kill herself couse of you. You got something ot say.
-Would you mind if you tell me where she is?
- Sorry don't know joung man. Is your fault that she is like that.
After that I left running but I remember something about a forest. Where Ruri founded her. When I arrived at the forest, I entered it. And there she was waiting, she looked skennier than before.
-Shihauru, you better go home.
-I was waiting for you Shingi.
- So you finded out do you?
-Yes. But that is no reason you should do that you know that!?
-And so what, I'm still going to kill you.
-Oh really then do it!?
After what I said, she picked a knife in her pocked and stabbed me in my shoulder. My blood started to spread all over my cloths.
-Ahh- she said in panic-Oh no!?
- I told you, if you are going to kill someone do it like this- and I putted the knife directly to my heart- do it!?
-You see why you should not do this Shihauru!?
-Yes!?- she was crying so much about it....
Crud, and i tough She was going to kill me for real...
-Let's go.
And after that we headed out of the forest. In the way I started to feel dizzy, so I asked her to give me her Big wallet, it will help me so the blood won't spread.
When we finally got out all of them were there even Ruri, she seem to knew.
- Shingi!? Are you ok...- said Ruri with such a serious face.
- Yes, im fine.
In that moment Shihauru's mother slaped me...
-Are you out of your mind, you are the cause of all of this!? Take responsability child.- she said.
-Listen lady- said Ruri- Shingi didnt do anything ok. and i falled to the floor.
Everything go white, the next thing I knew I was in the Ambulance. I never tough i would do such a thing to her.....Is all my fault, I should never done this before. Cause of what happened hurted Shihauru and now she is fighting for her life in the hospital..... Why I had to do this! And evenm Ruri will not even for give me... What should I do.....!? It was all my fault, I will put an end to this........ by taking my life...........
to be continew....
Sorry pals, you got until there for this time. Better to the next Chapter...
Chapter 5: Reality or Dreamworld, Shihauru's truth!
sorry no premire this is to good for you guys so better is to wait and be pattient and remember that you can ask me from the character files or if you wish for me to put more info about one of them, or even ask questions. this is the premire for the next chapter last time i will be nice to you unless some of you ask me hear me!:
"-Why you had to talk so bad of him- said Ruri with such furiosity.
-It is just that he is the cause of this problem-said Shihauru's mother.
-He is fighting for he's life and you are talking like that of him you are such a rectless woman!?
And then Ruri slaped Shihauru's mother...."
ok that is all. see ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't miss the next chapter
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LivingWeapon's Dairy
Im a person with asperger syndrome, I might be weak but i do have a big heart :3
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Living Weapon-Dark Knight
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