Race: Vampire
Age: 145

Sexuality: Gay
Bio: he is Sindaion's newest slave.
Brand: [left hip bone]

Name: Holtpex
Race: unknown Demon
Age: 4895

Sexuality: Pan
Bio: He is the cloest thing Sindaion has to a son, having been found by him on the side of a road, abandoned when he was an infant. Thus having Sindaion be more kind and gentle with him then with most of his slaves.
Brand: [Small of back]

Name: Evangeline Carpathia
Race: Pureblood Vampire
Age: 7845

Sexuality: Pan
Bio: She is one of Sindaion's older slaves and is his cook. She is from the purest clain of vampires and the only reason she was sold into slavery because she was born a girl. She can get very protective of her mater, acting like his body guard at times even though she knows he really doesn't need it.
Brand: [Left Thigh]

Name: Christopher Barlow
Race: Fallen Angel
Age: unknown

Sexuality: Bi
Bio: He was found by Sindaion soon after he fell and was soon taken in by the demon where as mostly anyone else would have just taken advantage of him becuas hehad no memory of who he was or where he came from. Not only did Sin take him in but he also gave him a name and helped him remember his past life. Ever since, he has remained loyal to Sin. Even though he now remembers his true name, he still kept the name Sin gave him.
Brand: [Left shoulder blade]

Name: Carnelith
Race: Vampire
Age: unknown

Sexuality: Gay
Bio: He is Sindaion's oldest slave. little else is known about him.
Brand: [Nape of Neck]