Race: Mix of Demons
Age: 7,841

Bio: He was sold into slavery at a very young age. He went through over 30 masters by he time he was ten, having aways had a 'shield' of sorts, having always lashed out when they tryed to rape him, his body seeming to be taken over by some unknown entity. To this day, that side of him still has yet to be tamed, while the side of him that is always out has been tamed since he was five. Thanks to his shield, he has remained a virgin to this day, much to his past masters irratation. He is currently in the market, his 'shield' waiting just under his conciousness. He alwaysa has his pendant with him, when ever someone would try to take it away, it would glow and burn their hands past the point of reginition in a mere second. Many believe that it is the sourse of his 'shield' and if they were to somehow manage to take it off of him, he would be volnurable; but to this day, that theroy has been a failour. His pendant was given to him by his first master fr his protection, his master having grown fond of the by but knew his death was coming soon as he had given it to him to protect him from all the dangers he would face as being a slave, knowing full well what acupied the pendant.
Sexuality: Aisexual
Master: n/a
Brand: unknown
His Pendant: Zlaxadan