Well, people didn't exactly vote the way I planned.... But thank you to those who did vote! I definitely appreciate it! mrgreen Enjoy my friends...
Chapter 15: Kingdom of Nightmares
Sora: W-w-who are you??
Ganon: Your worst nightmare.... twisted
Sora: Listen! Stop now! Before you destroy everything!
Ganon: How dare you order me around! I'll show you your worst fear! -holds gem-
Sora: N-n-no!
Riku: Sora! SORA! Dude wake up!
Sora: n-n-no! -sits up in bed- eek Wha-
Riku: Dude are you ok?
Sora: .... Uh..... ( What was the dream all about? )
Riku: Here, maybe some hard work will cheer you up.
Sora: stare
Kairi: You guys! Hurry check this out!
Sora: Hm? What is it Kairi?
Riku: She probably found a weird fish or something..
Sora: -shrugs- Well, we should probably check it out.
Riku: Uh.... Kairi.....?
Sora: Whoah! What is that thing?!
Kairi: I-I-I don't know! But it's cool look'in isn't it?
Sora: -pokes-
Riku: Uh I don't think that's a good idea-
Tippi: OW! Watch where you poke that thing!
All of them: WAHHHH! eek eek
Tippi: Is there something wrong??
Sora: N-n-noo!
Kairi: Nothing is wrong! surprised
Riku: You guys.... its a talking.... butterfly thing. Of course there is something wrong! stressed
Tippi: Excuse me?!
Kairi: Good point..... Sora poke it again.
Tippi: KNOCK IT OFF! scream
Sora: That might be a bad idea.... sweatdrop
Tippi: Mario let's- ????
Kairi: Um Mario?
Sora: Whose he?
Tippi: M-m-mario?! Where are you? -panics-
Riku: ...... Maybe he landed somewhere else..
Tippi: Oh Mario.... sad
Sora: Hey cheer up!
Kairi: Yeah! We'll search together!
Riku: Wait we are?!
Sora: -elbows hard-
Riku: Ow! Ok fine we are... But I'm not going to enjoy it.
Sora: Who says we want you to enjoy it. Come on it'll be fun!
Tippi: Wow really? That's so nice... smile
Kairi: Of course we will! blaugh
Sora: By the way.. What is that emerald you have?
Tippi: Hmm I'm not to sure actually... -flutters-
Kairi: Here let me take a look.. -gazes-
Riku: Sure is pretty.
Sora: Yeah.... it looks familiar.. ( That's right! It's from my dream!)
Tippi: Hm Well, it could be of use to us later on.
Riku: Right. We should get going now....-
Kairi: Alright! Its a new adventure!
Sora: smile Yeah!
Ganon: Heheheh....... twisted
???: My master... we are close.... -smirks-
Ganon: Yes we are Dimentio. Soon we will rule all worlds!
Dimentio: I like the way you think...
Shadow: Yes so do I... twisted
Ganon: Now... Shadow... Do me a favor will you.
Shadow: yes My master...
Ganon: Let's give Sonic and Link another chance... -hold black gear in hand-
Shadow: -smirks- Will do..
Ganon: And you Dimentio.... I want you to gather me the rest of those chaos emeralds!
Dimentio: Of course, now this'll be fun!
Ganon: twisted And if you could, Find me.... The wielder of the Key Blade!
Both: Yes sir.
Ganon: ( Soon my plan will be complete.... l=] )
Mario: MA MA MIA!
Peach: Oh my.... Where exactly are we?
Luigi: I-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i don't know princess! eek -trembles-
Mario: ........ -looks around-
Peach: See anything Mario?
Mario: ... eek -points-
Peach: Look at those people! Er... And a blue hedgehog?
Luigi: I don't think we should mess with them-
Mario: -runs off-
Peach: Mario wait for us!
Luigi: O-o-o-o-oh no.... sweatdrop
To be continued....-
Dimentio: I'm not either! -smirks-
Sora: Same here people.... sweatdrop
Tippi: Some people may not know us. So I though it would-
Dimentio: Be perfectly polite to tell you about ourselves!
Tippi: I was going to say-
Sora: Well, first of all most of you may know me from Kingdom Hearts!
Tippi: Hello I'm trying to-
Dimentio: And you Paper Mario fans may know me from Paper Mario.
Tippi: Can you guys just stop interrupting my-
Sora: Kairi and Riku are my best buds and we lived on a island.
Tippi: ....... Now stop talking-
Dimentio: And I work under Count Bleck... Well I did but then-
Tippi: LISTEN UP! scream
Dimentio and Sora: ........ Sorry sweatdrop
Tippi: That's better. stare -ahem- So I too come from Super Paper Mario. Me and Mario are great friends, and we tried to stop the evil Count Bleck. But it turns out he disappeared suddenly... I wonder what happen to him.
Dimentio: So I suppose that's all you need to know! Now let me show you this very famous card trick. Now you see it now you don't-
Sora: sweatdrop O.....K..... err Well, see you all soon!
Tippi: Ta ta for now!
Dimentio: Ciao! wink
Errr ok then....
To be continued once again....
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The story of how Sonic and Link met ( and other stuff )
This is the story of how 2 world famous video game characters met for the very first time. As well as other things.... =o
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