Race: Human
Age: 17
Appearance: [bottom one]

Bio:He was born into slavery, his mother having been forced into being his masters mistress and was taken on a daily basis. once he reached 4 he was taught of how things were run in the house, he was even alowed to play with his his half brothers and sisters given he behaved. once he turned 10 he was doing labour work, having matured faster then his half brothers and was therefore, given more attention then they were which started to make them jealous. But even through out the more attention he was always humble, never self-centered, an would do anything aske of him as long as it had nothing to do with betraying his father. One night, a few weeks after he turned 17, his oldest half brother had suddenly barged into his room and took advantage of him. The next morning, after having been draged to his oldest brothers room after the frist round for many more, he woke to find himself chained to his oldest brothers bed, naked. When the door opened he felt his heart fill with dread as his father walked in the room. he looked down, his eyes full of shame and pain, a sob muffled behind the gag in his mouth. As his father walked over he squeezed his eyes shut, his body tensing, expecting to get beaten now. But his father did something he was't expecting, he undid the chains and picked him up. he didn't say anything just carried him to his mothers room where he was dropped carelessly onto her bed. His father then turned and left. He weakly undid the gag and pushed himself up, tears rolling down his cheeks. He then made the decion that he couldn't live there anymore. He slowly stood with a hiss of pain, wincing as he stumbled over to the door that joined his and his mothers room,opened it and weakly stumbled into the room, grabbing what few possions he had and packed them away after getting dressed. he then collapsed on his bed, to take a nap, knowing he'd have along night aheadof him. when dusk fell he awoke. he painfully pushed himself up and grabb his pack and carefully made his way out of his room and out of hte house, stumbling away from it, tears rolling down his cheeks from the pain but he didn't let it stop him. He kept walking till a little after midnight, having collapsed at the side of the road, unable to go anyfarther that night but was far enough away from his old house. Soon after he collapsed, he passed out from the pain.
Sexuailty: Gay