Chapter 9: A Sudden Blaze
* Need I say more?
Amy: So who is She?
Link: Her name is.... Blaze. Princess Blaze to be exact.
* If you've never heard of Blaze, then she was a main character in Sonic Rush, Sonic Rush Adventure, and Sonic the Hedgehog ( 360). She's the princess of another.. dimension I think? FYI Blaze is a purple cat with a freaky hair-do. ( in a good way )
Amy: Blaze?.... Oh yeah Blaze!
Tails: Hey I remember her! Didn't she help us save Mobius that one time?
Link: Wait you guys know her?!
Amy: Yeah I guess we do.
Knuckles: I don't remember her at all.
Shadow: She was friends with Silver wasn't she?
Rouge: I'm pretty sure she was. But didn't she.... die?
Everyone: ......
Link: But she's not dead! Right Zelda?
Zelda: Right. She's just as alive as you and me.
Ilia: Maybe we should go find her. She might help us save Sonic!
Link: Your right Ilia. She might be able to help us.
Amy: That would be great! Zelda can you contact her?
Zelda: I can try but I'm not sure I can get through to her.
Tails: Well we have to try!
Zelda: Ok. ..............................................
Link: We should give her a moment-
Zelda: She won't respond.
Amy: Well, what other way can we contact her?
Midna: You guys are stupider then you look! Sheesh, Isn't it obvious? You either find Silver or you find Celebi!
Amy: You little-
Tails: Uh Amy calm down! sweatdrop
Link: Thanks for the help Midna. stare Well where would Silver be? Or Celebi?
Zelda: Well, I know Celebi is in the Mystic Forest.
Midna: And Silver is probably at Gerudo Desert.
* Is that how you spell Gerudo?
Shadow: Let's split up. We'll look for Celebi
Link: And we'll look for Silver.
Amy: That sounds great!
Zelda: Rouge, Knuckles, Shadow and Midna are one group. And Link, Tails, Amy, and Ilia are the other.
Ilia: Actually I would rather stay here just incase something happens.
Darkrai: I'll go with Shadow.
Cresselia: And I'll go with Link.
Zelda: Then it's settled you guys are going to look for Celebi and Silver.
Amy: Alright! Let's go! blaugh
Dark Sonic: (Good thing they have no idea that I'm here. I'm completely invisible to them. Master Gannondorf will be pleased to know their plan. I better go tell him. - runs off -)
Link: Hey did you guys feel that strong gust of wind?
Tails: No why Link?
Link: Oh uh no reason! ( but that was strange. It felt like... No it couldn't be. )
Dark Sonic: I have good news Master.
Gannondorf: Ah Sonic. What is your "good news"?
Dark Sonic: Well, it turns out that they're going to find Celebi and Silver in order to find Princess Blaze.
Gannondorf: What?! But... if they do that..... then they could..... Stop them! Kill them! Destroy them! Oh and bring me Celebi and Silver. I have something in store for them...
Dark Sonic: Right away Master.
Gannondorf: Oh and Sonic. Bring this with you.
Dark Sonic: Black Gears? Heh I like the way you think! See ya soon. - speeds off -
Gannodorf: My plan is going perfectly. Soon Hyrule, the Galaxy will be mine! I will rule the Universe! Muahahahaha!! twisted
To be continued....
* Ok well One of my friends asked me a question that I'm sure everyone wants to know.
As you know Gannondorf is the bad guy in every Zelda Game. But my Friend asked me, " How come Gannondorf has two names? What's the freakin difference!? Ganon and Gannondorf are both crappy names so why should he deal with that?! Why is global warming such a pain in my- scream " - ahem - she got carried away there.... Well anyway, so the answer to that question is the fact that Ganon means Pig Beast! And Gannondorf means Human Pig Beast! And the fact that at the end of LoZTP ( Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess ) Gannondorf turned into Beast Ganon which means he was a ugly, fat, creepy, disgusting, oversized pig. So thats my answer for people who are confused with Ganon and Gannondorf! xd
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The story of how Sonic and Link met ( and other stuff )
This is the story of how 2 world famous video game characters met for the very first time. As well as other things.... =o
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