OK! I am going to continue! mrgreen but I'm sure you all knew that right?
Chapter 7: The Shadow of a Hedgehog
Knuckles: Ow.... my head is aching.... exclaim wh-whe- where are we?!
Shadow: Ugh I'm not sure... But I think it's the place I've been trying to get to.
Knuckles: And what place is that?
Shadow: Hyrule.
Knuckles: Hyrule?!
Shadow: That's what I just said. Now don't get in my way.
Knuckles: Me get in your way?! Heh heh how about you get in my way!
- pushes out of way -
Shadow: ( Serious problems with that guy.. Now where is Zelda? )
Knuckles: Whoa! Now would ya look at that?!
Shadow: Mm-Hm. It's a pretty nice view.
Knuckles: Man, this is the life right here.
Shadow: I'm out.
Knuckles: How could you not enjoy this?! You need to loosen up!
Shadow: Don't tell me what to do.
Knuckles: Then don't act like a loser!
Shadow: I'm outta here. Later Loser.
- Runs off -
Knuckles: Hey Come back here! scream
???: Now that was hilarious! I knew Shadow would win.
Knuckles: R-rouge?!
Rouge: Ah I knew you would catch on sweety!
* Ya know Rouge the Bat riiiggghhhttt??
Knuckles: What are you doing here??? You shouldn't be here!
Rouge: Well I saw you two go through portal and I thought I should tag along.
Knuckles: Can't you go back?! It's not safe, you could get hurt!
Rouge: Aww your worried about me! How sweet! 4laugh
Knuckles: What?! .....Ugh your batty!
Rouge: Come'on let's go find Shadow together!
Knuckles: No way I'd rather- Wha-?
Rouge: - grabs hand - To late!
Knuckles: eh- Hey! Put me down!
Rouge: Hmmmm no thanks. biggrin
Knuckles: Ugh ( well thats Rouge for ya.. rolleyes )
To be contiued...
* Sorry it's so short! But I have my reasons...
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The story of how Sonic and Link met ( and other stuff )
This is the story of how 2 world famous video game characters met for the very first time. As well as other things.... =o
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