..... Ok! I am going to write a story! smile I'm hoping people will read this! Anyway it's about Sonic the Hedgehog and The Legend of Zelda and well i guess you'll just have to read and find out what happens! smile ( if u see these * then its an editor's note )
Chapter 1: A New Dawn
Amy: Oh Sonic come back!
Sonic: No! Get away!
Amy: Sonic come back! Sonic! SONIC!
Sonic: Heh, I think I lost her- Ooooof!
* Ha ha face planter!
Sonic: Ugh what did I just trip on... whoa check it out!
Sonic looked at the object.
* Hmmm what could it be?
Sonic: It looks like some kind of... stone? With these weird triangles on it..
Maybe I should ask Tails to take a look at it.
Without a second thought Sonic ran off to tell Tails what he found. It was no sooner then 1.2 seconds he arrived at Tails workshop.
Sonic: Yo Tails! Check this out!
Tails: Oh uh Sonic what is it?
Sonic: See for your self!
Tails looked at the stone.
Tails: It looks like some kind of ancient relic.
Sonic: Well uh yeah I Knew that!
* Did you Sonic? DID YOU??!!
( Sonic: Shut it editor! Your ruining the story! )
Tails: Where did you get this?
Sonic: In the Mystic Forest. By the way what do those triangles mean?
Tails: Well they look familiar... Hold on I think they were in a book that I read.
Let me go get it, and Sonic,
Sonic: Yea?
Tails: Don't touch anything.
Sonic: Uh sure ok...
Tails went off to search for the book! How exciting!
Sonic: Hmmm the ancient relic looks really cool.. its so...cool... can't resist..must touch it, so tempting! Aw what the heck!
Sonic grabbed the stone.
Sonic: Hmm I wonder if this would do anything..
Sonic was about to pull out an Chaos Emerald when Tails came back.
Tails: Sonic- what are you doing with the relic??
Sonic: Uh just uh you know uh touching it?
Tails: Hm.. Well anyway look at this!
Tails showed Sonic the picture in the book.
Sonic: Hey! It looks just like the symbol on the stone!
Tails: I also found out what that symbol is. It's called a Triforce. Each triangle stands for something. I think they went like this... Triforce of Wisdom, Triforce of Courage, and Triforce of Power.
Sonic: Now that's way past cool!
* Sonic always said that in his comic books! smile
Tails: Yeah I know and there's something else-
Suddenly the the planet started to shake!
Sonic: Whoa! Tails what's happening?!
Tails: I don't know!
Both of them: Ahhhhhh!
What happened to Sonic and Tails?! Oh the suspense is killing me! Guess you'll have to find out later!
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The story of how Sonic and Link met ( and other stuff )
This is the story of how 2 world famous video game characters met for the very first time. As well as other things.... =o
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