Age: 23
Race: half lion half human

Bio: When he was 4, he was sold to a group of humans who collected halfbreeds and displayed them in a gallery of some sorts. Too this day he curses his mothers deicion to sell him to these savages, only being feed enough to keep him alive. During the day, he is chained to a wall and on display for he public to see and scorn, some even hitting him, saying he was an abomination and his masters just watched and laughed, cheering the person on. At night, he was kept in a small cage, not even tall enough to let him sit up with having to slouch but long enough to let him lay flat out and strech his sore muscles an wide enough to alow him some space to curl up. His orginaly golden mane which is cut into a mowhawk is now a deep coppery color from his many beatings. The gallery is called Exotic Half-Breeds.
Sexuality: bi