-Crack-head [from Sapphire]
-Cracker Jack [Rolam]
-Crack [A spelling mistake on my part but it was loved so much it stuck]
-Carqack [yet another Spelling Mistake that stuck]
-Coffee Crisp [hehehe don't ask]
-Crack-Brain [*cackles* i'm evil to my crack-brain]
-Cara [by Val]
Race: Shadow Demon
Age: 98,578
Height 6'7"

- Shadow. his mentality when he meets someone new is attack now ask questions later. he calles zepael wolfbrain.

-Zepael. the youngest of Carack's pets. has a rivalerly with shadow. he calls shadow dogbrain.

when threatened

Bio:He was born and raised in hell. he was abused by his father for the first 100 years of his life till he managed to get stronger then his father and nearly killed him. after that he fled to earth and joined the army and fought i the great war between angels and demons. in the last great battle he was sealed away in Lachwen the battle angel and was stuck there for a good 10,000 years. he only just recently managed to break the seal andescape and now wanders the world, looking for his old kin. He is the strongest Shadow demon and one of the few veterain demons from the great war. after he got out he spent a good 500 years in italy.
Sexuality: Bi
weapon: The Shadow Blade.

Name: Curudel Kurayami
Age: 98,578
Height: 6'7"


Bio: He is Carack's twin brother, but is the complete oppiste in personality.
Sexuality: Bi
Name: Valendis Kurayami
Age: 35,789
Race: Shadow Demon
Height: 4'6"
Sexuality: Pan
Appearance:her normal form

her battle form

her creations: one of her favourite creations

she also created Shadow for Carack. She's working on one for Matsu and Yama.
Names: Matsutake Kurayami[top] Yamano Kurayami[bottom]
Race: Shadow demons
Age: 8452
Height: 6'5"

Bio: Yamano has a jagged scar on his neck where hs vocal cords once were. they are Carack's younger brothers. Yamano's vocal cords were able to be healed by their good friend Haru though it'll take a bit for him to be able to fully talk again.
Name: Sumomo Kurayami
Age: 564
Race: Shadow Demon

Bio: is the youngest of the Kurayami siblings. her bear is called Ursus and she always carries it with her.
Sexuality: unknown
Height: 4'8"
Pets: Vlad