Nickname: Sapphy [Jazz calls her that, much to her annoyance]
Shorty-Sapphy [as per Carack in retalitation of being called Crack-Head]
Age: 780
Hight: pushing 4'11" [she hates it when people comment on how short she is.]
Race: Half Cybertranian, half guardian.
Appearance: [only with long blue hair and a pair of robotic wings]

Weapons:Her robotic arm turns into a plasma canon and she also has a nitrogen pistol.
Personality: She has an extremely short temper and is pretty trigger happy
Bio: She is Angel's younger sister, and like her older sister, she has no memory of her birthplace. After they were evacuated she and her sister were sperated and she had not long after she was floating in space, lost and alone, till she was found by Ironhide and Jazz.
As the years flew past she soon became an expert in arts of sabotage and her small stature helped her a lot when it came to mission's behind enemy lines. She soon grew cold and calculated as the years past, focusing solely on the mission at hand or when she was back at base, how long she had till her next mission, however that all changed when WheelJack brought Angel back to base. At first she was weary of the newcomer that was shockingly a lot like her and would for the most part ignore her. But as she came to trust her, bits of her old personality would come back, making her more outgoing again, and not so focused on the job when she wasn't on a mission.
One day when they were still living on cybertorn, there had been an attack on themarket sector. Jazz and Angel had been there during the attack and Angel had been badly wounded. When Sapphire and Ironhide had made it there, Sapphire had taken her sister from Jazz and quickly flew her to the med bay. Once there she started helping Ratchet anyway she could and unknowingly injested energorn. Now due to a minor genetic birth defect, the energorn wrecked havoc in her body. In order to save her, Ratchet had to amputate her left arm andright leg, replacing them with robotic limbs. He also had to replace her internal organs with the robotic equivalant. He had to make her a new set of wings and also had to replace her eyes with optic's; whic her body never properly accepted so she has to wear a visor over them due to how sensative to light they were.
After barely returning from a mission gone awry she met Kael and quickly grew to love him, however, it was that love that had also gotten him targeted by the decepticon's. To make sure he'd survive she sacrificed herself, giving Jazz enough time to get away and get him to a hospital where the friend was a docter; he also was a vampire. after doing everything he could, the only way to save Kael was to turn him.
Transportation: She has a space ship that is 26ft tall. it has 6 rooms in it, 3 are bedrooms, ones the main control room, ones a storage closet and the other is the mess/common room. It also has Two nitrogen canons and Two plasma canons.