The last couple of days have been a myraid of activities and emotions. Mainly hungry, happy, sleepy, and sore from the friggin sewr tunnel. Ok back up and let me tell you what happened. Last Saturnday I went to Anthony's birthday party and it was a surprise party. It was awesome. At first we were just playing and said surprise to Julina and Angel's dad then the momment of truth came when boy angel, hoel, anthony and boy angel's mom walked through the door. They said surprise to the wrong person but i managed to catch anthony in the end. He really was surprised and all was well. He brough out his games and the boys took turns at playing naruto but it kept freezing in the major battles so we decided to stop.After we finished eating and anthony finished fawning over his presents, we watched an anime movie called Origin. It was soo awesome. At first the theme song kind of threw you off but it was great as it progressed. Later on, we decided to go into the tunnel.While we were walking there, Ericka told me how she and angels dad got Julina to drink beer for the first time and she couldn't even finish it. So ericka persuaded Juju to give her a taste and ericka took a swig. Angel's dad said that she did it like she was a pro.
pirate Anyway, we got to the sewer and i was so excited that i ran in the sewer and everyone was surprised.Zedrick and Anthonthy started feeling sick so i sent them back and told jeremiah to go with them in case they needed our help. As we were walking back wendy and i became closer as we talek. by the time we got back it was time for us to go home. that day was awsome.

Community Member
Origin rocked too. (still hate how he made that gay shirt look straight on him)
OMG, u and that tunnel. Freakin Spider Chick. Aww, and I believed I coulda finished it too. emo Well, at least I'm not sore. xp Glad you had fun.