Man, I haven't posted in my journal for awhile. Anywho, for the last couple of weeks I have been running a mile a a half with me sister so that we could get in shape for the Navy and scholl. It was difficult but exercising. I still do not have a job but I am working on getting one and hopefully I can get one at citi trends and working as an extra in movies. Ericka's birthday just passed and we had a lot of fun. I ate like 30 wings and the only reason I stopped eating was because I didn't feel like eating at the moment. Boy Angel, Jeremiah, Beth, me, Akeem, Kyle and Julie came over and it was good seeing them again. I really missed them. Boy Angel, Phan, and Kyle, the seniors of this year, wont be going to this school and that makes me sad but I will see them again in the near and far future. Anyway, back to the party, Jeremiah says that I kidnapped him but if he had just read his Gaia mail then he would have known about it. I got to spend the night along with beth, and julie. Kyle had to leave a little early with wendy and christine but I liked seeing him again. Elliot also had his friends over and we were in two different rooms. While Elliots posse looked like chaos in the dark, Erickas look like weird peace in the light. The girls stayed up all night and even at and egg breakfast that ericka made for us at midnight. I was on the DDR game for what I thought was 30 minutes but Ericka said that I was on there for 2 straight hours! It was surprising to say the least. We ended up going to sleep around 5 or six and I got to stay over throughout the morning too. I have also seen the Transformis movie and it KICKED a**!!! I will never look at a car the same way again.

This is whats gonna happen at the con and I will be there
Community Member
btw, THE CON WILL ROCK!! WHOOOOOOOOOOO. The scared little kid with the hat is SO gonna be Adonis freaked as we rave.