Spending the night over phan's house was fun and memorable. Although it was only me julie and phan, we had fun. We played DDR and I gave my now weak ankle a workout, that i later on felt but didn't regret. Julie's mom brought over some homemade chicken and it was AWESOME!!! While evevryone else was on their third I was on my tenth. After I got full from that i felt sleepy and fell asleep on the floor. Germy stepped on me and I ran after him in a murderous rage. He tried to pull the chair in front of me to trip me up but it did't work because I crashed through the chair and kept running after him. The second time around I caught him and help him under my knee. That when I came to and realized what I had done, it was the only thing that saved him from being beatn into the carpet floor. We all went upstairs, changed into our pj's, and settled down to talk about ericka. After 10 mins of doing this, seeing as I was in bed with phan, we went to sleep. . .or so I thught. Julie comes up and lays in the middle of phan and i and messes with me for twenty minutes. And for twenty minutes me and the wall were long lost friends, never letting go. Well after all this, phan moved to the trolley because we were disturbing her, everyone finally goes to sleep. Around 7 I wake up to find that Julie has TAKEN ALL OF THE FREAKIN COVER!!! I was cold so I decided to get up and go downstairs. Rachman phans troll-like dad was also awake talking to his wife and folding clothes. He let me wach an awesome anime called Karas. It was confusing as hell but he explained it to me and I got the picture. It had awesome fight scenes. After that and me eating the rest of the chicken for breakfast. Everyone was awake except for Germy, and watching The Wild. It was getting good when my mom rings the door bell. Thats when Nyema finally says'"Oh yeah. Ii meant to tell you that your mom had called and was on her way. With a death glare and a cry I opened the door and hugged everyone as I left. I hugged Phan twice because it looked like a piece of her heart was breaking away. GoodBye, Phantaisha. . .

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