Today was another spectacular day because I got to see on of my best friends again, Phantaisha. She is scheduled to leave for Chicago this Sunday and it make me sad whenever I think about it. We hung out all day. In the beginning, Ashely was there with me, Phan, Germy, and Nyema. We ate and played DDR. Then, we decided to walk Brandy, Phan's dog, after Ashely had woken up from her nap. We even picked up Julie along the way around the neighborhood. It was hot outside but we paid little mind to the heat except fom Ashely and her complants were fun to listen to. Her mom picked her up around 3 and it was just me, Phan, and Julie.
I got groped several times by the both of them but I really didn't mind and I got them right back. I got to eat several times and that made me happy. As night fell, I realized that I had to go home and tried to call momma several time before I realized that she was at church. In the end, Gloria came and got me. Phan and I decided to have one last sleep over before she left with me her Julie and Ashely. I'm really going to miss her.