Poetry And Lyrics Arena SpotLight
- Depression Hurts by Keven_Trent213
- i rote this in 7th grade on the bus with my friend that has no poetic talent and i didnt want to hurt her feelings so most of it she rote.....so i hope u like it at least a little
- Spoon has got me again by MsEpicWaffulz
- This is my song that I wrote just wanna share it ^_^
- HARD HEART; WEAK LOVE by Raniel150590_05
- it's like someone who loves someone who forgot anything you think write it on here
- Box by papershelf i c i c l e s
- ...something i wrote awhile back when i tapped into my poetry creation side. freeprose, mostly just thoughts written semi-poetically. comment :3
- Stars by MooonLightX_X
- i wrote this sometime...
- Die Barney!!!!! by Ritsuki_Rose
- I got this from my brother lol i kno ish NOT VERY good but we tried
- September Eleventh(9/11) 2001 by F r o s t biiite Fox
- I know that this event is over and its not 9/11 right now, but I just want everyone to remember what happened. Cool fact-my teacher saw this sad thing happen~ Please leave comments, I want to know what you think. Please vote too~
- Secret Desire by sexilexi955
- This doesn't rhyme but its my thoughts on someone very dear and near to me and i want to share it with you all. And its so poetic and beautiful.. I dedicate it to Jeff... my secret desire...
- Stay Invisible by Eclairl
- This is a song I sing sometimes to myself I made it up.
- Wild horses by II CHEE CHEE LEE II
- A poem i randomly made up of wonderful creaturse rooming the face of the earth. There simply wild horses.
- every time by rocksan11
- Time by iMangoLemonade
- A poem for a book im writing
- I Offered You a Flower by xSoela
- I wrote this after reading a short story my friend wrote. Enjoy ^-^ And if you like this poem, check out my other pieces.
- 1+ Count On The Loser Meter by oxyJ3N
- It's really something you have to take in and understand for yourself. This poem is one of my favourites out of everything I've written. I translated it in Spanish for class last year.
- blood by shera luna moon
- i was pissed off alot this weekend so i wrote this song
- a dying promise... by Jinmei Destiny
- it's just a little something i made for my dear love... heheh T_T when i was thinking that he already loves another girl~> truth hurts T_T