Poetry And Lyrics Arena SpotLight
- Waiting by Ginta Girl
- Gloomy
- My feelings are not as strong by angelflare123
- its just little poem saying wat i truly feel
- Broken by millorocker
- This one was about my ex whose name was Stephanie and that's all i'm gonna say about that matter.
- Wall by Ginta Girl
- Gloomy
- love by xXx Forgotten_Destiny xXx
- this is how i feel. some people love it and some want to cry and some hate it. u tell me wat u think
- The awful image in the mirror! by Enchanted_Charmer
- The truth is in the last few months I have changed into someone I know is not who I want to be, It hurts looking in the mirror cause all I see is hurt and despair I caused to other.I look in the mirror disgusted with myself yet...
- Aimed Too High by XxLight_EternalxX
- Alright, so there is a lot going on in my life and reading books DOES NOT HELP. It just makes me want what I can't have or can't voice aloud to the people who want to know and help. This poem came to me, and I think that it acc...
- Transparent Wings of the Heart by X_Restricted_Eyes_X
- More writing from my creative writing class
- him by reapers angel16
- sometimes i wish i could see him more but i cant oh well life is life...i still love him no matter what happens
- Shouting a Plea For Help by snakesta
- My plea has been made, now where are you?
- Life to Death by Crystal_Bat
- The twin towers represent the after life cause there gone. I suck at poetry. Comment on what i need to improve
- This lullaby by Temper-Mental247
- Please do not steal this its special to me. T-M -<3-
- Lyric Meanings 1: Watcha Say by Syracuse183
- A poem inspired by Watcha Say by Jason Derulo. It's way bad, I know.
- the deepest of all by havikdemond2
- this i think is pretty deep
- Midnight Dreaming by dalia salvd
- So this is my first sestina that I've ever written, and it was more written for the sake of writing a sestina than anything else. Punctuation is a little iffy in some places in my opinion, but I like it nevertheless. For thos...
- We met on IM by Salornix
- Randomly wrote this thinking of my cousin meeting her newest boyfriend on Yahoo IM They go to the same school and have been going out for quite a while now. About 10 months? Well, hope you guys like it!
- The Rush by xX_iAmRen_Xx
- Just a little poem I wrote :3 It's short, but it says it all.
- I just cant stop... by kikyou_death
- I made this pretty much while I was crying. I was thinking about my grandmother and listening to Xion's theme and I broke down then I thought of a poem