Non Fiction Arena SpotLight
- An Essay on Holocaust Denial by Deus Ex Insula
- Something I wrote as an assignment in 9th grade english. Not my best writing (I'm much better now) but still pretty good. I think Holocaust Denial is something people don't realize is a very real and disturbing thing and I thou...
- Dark Silhouette- A Short Story by IHeartBraddy
- A man struggles between his first love, current love and his past...
- Demon vs. Naruto by xDemon Bossx
- its history of battle demon(meh)and Naruto. D:Demon N:Naruto SW:Skeleton Warriors GoSW:General of Skeleton Warriors
- ballroom of a nightmare by Envira76
- if you had this dream what would you do please comment tell me what you think
- Rome's Fall by The Rainy Poet
- Just a little essay I did for school, lol
- When will. . . We wil. . . by Coldcut2009
- So I was still rumaging through my stuff and i found a speech i wrote when i was in 8th grade. We all did it for Martin Luther Kings Day, but my English teacher wanted me and a few others to present it to the school. Even thoug...
- The Letter He Hasn't Read Yet by Im Like Heroin
- I needed to get this off my chest. A letter to someone very special describing how he makes me feel, and I can't bring myself to let him read this yet; but I needed to tell SOMEBODY, so why not ramble off to a bunch of complete...
- whats harder? by kaire of gaara
- when a friend leave, umm and x friend who hate you this is kind duh my live.
- How to kill a vampire by Blonde Boi33
- Killing a vampire
- 30 things girls dont notice by xiiRawrYou-bishx
- girls dont even notice what guys doto get a girls attention
- What I think about young teens by BadSeed26
- this is not a poem. It may sound like one but it isn't. And yes i am a young teen and im not saying all teens are like this. This is just my opinions. So dont leave any comments that say " Well not all teens are like this." tru...
- Excuse Me, Miss Bimbo... by RADI0 Mouse
- A rather long-winded rant on how little girls are slowly being turned into objects to be used - and nothing more. I have to say - this is a strong topic for me, so I'm sorry if I lay it on too thick. Sorry if I broke any rules,...
- A big bunch of pilosophy nonse by Skellington Jr
- again, I did this when I was bored. I had a mood going, and as you can see, I came back to it a couple times. I think I outdid myself on this one.
- Teens these days by oceanbreeze5
- A article about how peerpressure can cause teens to do bad things, and how it changes their attitude and personality.
- I would do anything for her.. by GMYSoul
- i just... like it i dunno!
- Coping with a friends death. by Require
- I actually wrote this as an essay, it came out more stronger then I thought, hope you like it!
- deep within me!! by franz_mhaey
- inner me!!