Non Fiction Arena SpotLight
- Homeless by The Rogue Of Void
- She did nothing wrong and yet the world hated her. And when all the hope was gone and no one dared to think of her as a person. She dared to hope, dream, and survive. these are the storys of a few people i knew...and one i w...
- Corn is Bad by xX---Mattie-Chan---Xx
- I randomly wrote this
- Moon Curse part 1 by Kain-9
- i'm trying to write a book and this is part of it. i need help with writing cause i keep jumping from one idea to the next
- The Moonlight by Azalea Star
- A few years ago I was visiting my cousin's cottage. This is an account of a precious while I had when I was there, a while that is still dear to me.
- Dear World by Amaris Night
- I have posted this everywhere that I have access to, I almost forgot about my gaia account. Amarisnight13, akaluna13, mewr13, these are all my names from every place I'm a part of. This is a letter I wrote for a class of mine...
- Strident Memoirs by Icklejabob
- An English paper of mine that takes a long stroll through the sounds that I've heared, and that others hear throughout their lives and how these sounds can influence the future being of our souls.
- Part 3 by XDIm _A_DorkXD
- A horrible twist for the worst part 3 again if u didn't see part one or two just look up my name and read them :)
- What is wrong with you? by RenTsuka
- This is a fiction of something that really happened, just using different names...
- Real Love by misunderstood_arturo
- A story that happend to my cuzin no to long ago i mixed both my cuzin and her dude's story to make this
- Daewoo K11 Air Burst Weapon by Suicidesoldier#1
- Description of North Korea's Latest weapon and a few side effects which may follow...
- The Apocalypse of 2012 by CHUCK NORRIS321 BAM
- a novel that ive been working on what do you think so far.
- I Don't Care by Amaris__Issa
- Okay, this poem is based on a guy in my class that would always talk behind my back, and he thinks I care. But I wrote this instead of beating him up. The word "********" is in it too. :S -Mimori
- the Animus by knowitall010
- Not completely sure this is in the correct category it is an essay of a sort. i was bored and so i wrote
- lets get a new feeling=3 by Vx 2Fly
- sometimes grows my feelings, because i love my brother, if aim late for school,he wakes me up!! silling me=3
- gfdgdfgfdvddsfdsfs by lastmay04
- gfdgfdg
- "Howdowomenempowerthemselves" by PGZC
- english project of the 11th grade notice that my teacher was good at human right stuff, especially when it came to women.
- Crying Confused Child by M3-broken
- mary's childhood
- the depressing journal entry by emo-love-pain-tears
- this is a journal entry i had written right after i was cheated on then dumper i had no idea what was going on and i was so depressed and this happened april 23ed 09 this is may 7th and i am already over it.. Higs school relati...