Non Fiction Arena SpotLight
- Just A Heart Break Story by iRaWRaInbOW
- I guess this just kinda resurfaced in my life, so I decided to publish it. It's kind of mean to the guy but still....he still hates me. :( Except for now I'm single....
- Rachel and Seth: The Beginning by XoBlackRoses11Xo
- Well since I just love a good Epic Vampire Romance I decided that twilight was so good I wanted to make my own Romance :D I DID NOT (I REPEAT) COPY TWILIGHT THIS IS JUST FOR FUN. If you think its too much like twilight i love t...
- Ghost story by Mistress Amy Rose
- Its was soo creepy when my friend told me it when he came over
- Give Me a Sign by JohnLeprechaun
- I literally wrote this right now. Meant to be lyrics, that's why they're kind of irregular.
- Kill that b***h named victoria by Xx_18Sc3n3gIrL18_xX
- The plot. by theodoreramwell
- The Begining of Davian and his hunt for a new nation but first he must escape the enemies of which want the kingdom too.
- The love of my life. by SlaughterinParadise
- This actually happened. I miss him.
- Gone by eyorewuvme101
- I wrote this when my friend's older brother died last year. she loved it and hung it in her room. When she reads it she gets tears in her eyes.
- Karma is what comes around pt2 by marshe12
- this is part 2 of what happened hope you enjoy my boring dullless life of what comes when you hack someone account this is a warning to what comes around goes around
- The Anime Fangirl Declaration by lost_lil_angel_child
- Declaration for fangirls
- The story of the nobodys by shatered wings15047
- i realized that this story is true in so many ways. and even if i spelled something wrong, I DON'T CARE! LEAVE ME ALONE ABOUT IT!
- turning from pink to black by RedLeafWriter
- how i turned from a girly girl to a goth girl
- Magic ( What should I do:(?) by HotShot1489
- Please read and comment. I need help and dont know what to do!! PS importantish details left out to make a long story short!
- The heart breaking friend... by ii_Ran
- Just a writing
- The Secret of a Lie by Kiatala
- What if everything you thought and knew was a lie. What if the person you trusted the most, held a secret from you that was so big, you could nearly be killed yourself
- I wanna be stronger! by xXxLoveHugsDrugsxXx
- I've made so many mistakes...I feel like that I don't have any control over my life. I try so hard to understand from right and wrong...But every time I think about it I always start doing the wrong thing...I don't have any ide...