Non Fiction Arena SpotLight
- Icefire by brycepinnix
- Dragons.
- True Friend by Katia Tsukiyomi
- you are a true friend,or you have a true friend, in my opinion and experience if all of the below are true or most of them no one is perfect. i'll add more when i come up with more
- My world is ending by SaddenedRyaka
- aaron's death by pyromaster93
- this is how my friend dieds(untrue)
- Christmas by ii-Blu3 Dayz-ii
- this is what it means to celebrate christmas. (sumthing like that)
- scarred for life! :3 by ii-Blu3 Dayz-ii
- my dog got me scarred for life!
- Stealth by ash_massacre
- Assassin
- the electric fence by popsnap098
- i dont like it but here it is
- Boy meets girl by kawaii-designer
- Well i guess its kinda lke peom at the same time story so idk buh plz be fair with your comments and votes
- The Start of a Pure Society by chazy48
- A essay I had to write for English III in high school
- The cat that loved by Mystical Cupcake
- This is a poem about my cat, ninja, that i had until i was seven when he ran away to die. I loved that cat with all my heart, and still do.
- The one. HIM. by reallytinyroxy
- I knew right away he was the one i need to be with all my life but were my instics telling me the truth? I really love to write stories and i am hoping when i grow up i can be a writer but first i need to find some info on writ...
- The World of Love and War by Bell_annabella
- Her fiancee has gone to war, her parents don't know about the engagement because he is a farm boy and she is a rich count's daughter, his only child since his wife was no longer able to have anymore children. Margarete has now ...
- mr.panda 12 by fireboyxxd
- welcome to part 12 sorry thet i dident make new part alot of time again o.o' but here it is part 12 so anjoy or not or what you want or jast read it die and we all will be happy jok o i dont really remember if i starting from t...
- Separation by vampirequeen02
- this is a real problem i have had and it is true its about separation about divorce about a step mother leaving you a little about the past its kinda boring i have not yet gotten good at it yet give me time though i will get there
- I'll never let you go. Part 2 by MaxPride
- Workt with this for a long time, this is just second part, and the orginal witch I have not translate jet is in about 30 parts. enjoy
- I hate my life by baby_janice
- I hate my life because, my parents think i am invisible and i hate that so much. When they invite visitors, My parents dont even call me to say hi. My brothers are abusers sometimes i just get them and sometimes they go away, M...
- Mataocho by Suicidesoldier#1
- The Description of the word Mataocho, or Matacho, meaning to kill eight.
- The last King by mioang
- This is my first stuff so im really glad if anybody would comment this story ^^ if you want another story just request it hope you like it bye