Non Fiction Arena SpotLight
- Dealines [not complete] by peachiwitch
- Okay, read the story and you'll get it, but I put it on here because I wanted to know if I should finish it. :/ Comment? : D
- Un reel. by x crzykidkatie x
- well, its the prologue to my book. i hope you enjoy. (: p.s not edited , & i need to adjust some things.
- this is real
- The Poem Of My Love by Thee_YoungLuver
- I wrtitten this from my heart and I would be happy if you would discribe on how my poem makes you feel♥
- Dying by BubblySeahorse
- Sick of crying, Tired of trying, Yeah I'm smiling, But inside I'm...... Dying
- s**t by liveurlife4ever
- ok my friend sent this to me and i thought i should post this in the arenas hope you like it!you might not get it! its hard to understand
- ur feelings about ur self by restt in piss
- just let it out on here it might get u emotional
- This is true by XxPrincess of VampiresxX
- It is true don'y you think...... lloll
- *random* Chapter 1 by i s m o k i e
- ok, i was verry bored, and i have no writing experience, so...blah. i just wanted to put something in =D Tell me what to improve on please!! Chapter
- Bonnie And Clyde by honeymuffins9
- its about two people that were a girlfriend and boyfriend couple and used to rob banks and others
- Reflections by Liliah Moorine
- I wrote this about a year ago, so it's kinda old. That's okay though, I like the overall piece. (:
- On the subject of love by Flacks
- I'm so damn weak
- A trip To Love by charlotte_loves
- About my trip to love. enjoy. And I wont tell names, except the current one.
- Bloodlust chapter 3 by bloody_serial_killer
- chapter 3 for the...1? person who's reading it XD. It cuts off a bit at the end coz well for two reasons 1: my computer isnt letting me into microsoft word and I dont wanna sit at school and type all lunch 2: it begins to get a...
- Depressed View by Kowai Kurai
- Lol I dunno, I wrote this ages ago for DA 'cause I hadn't added anything for a while... And I totally killed everyone (they all died from the happiness seeping out of their skin lol.) >D I figured I'd try to kill some more...
- by the biology lab by LaBlac
- this came from my couzzz
- Nightmares by xXDark_ImprisonmentXx
- The things you see in your sleep, may not always be confined to your thoughts...