Non Fiction Arena SpotLight
- Apathetics and Those Who Care by The Endless Dreamer
- This is one of my opinions. It's something I have observed and wrote about one night in my room. Enjoy, if you can.
- What happened...? by SuckMyPanda
- A weird dream dream that this young special girl had...or is it a dream?
- Unfortunate Conflict by Xinarii
- About 1 year ago, almost 2, in California, an earthquake happened. It was my first, this is my experience.
- fishing and Whaling by ACCOUNT REP0RTER
- Should people be able to fish and whale in Antarctica?
- I met a man. by Queen of the Pack
- please vote for me
- The Skunk - Page Three by Dovewing11
- read pages 1 and 2
- All About Mikuru Asahina by sweet angleic vampire
- If u are curious about how mikuru acts then read this
- Thoughts to Michael Jackson by X_x Dii3d_0f_b0R3D0mm_
- "Smile, though your heart is aching Smile, even though it's breaking When there are clouds in the sky You'll get by... If you smile Through your fear and sorrow Smile and maybe tomorrow You'll find that life is still worthw...
- Tao by Father Fluff
- A little thought writing on what I think of. Didn't know what to classify this as, so I put it here.
- Sad/Happy life by mini_ninja_lover21
- this is wat happened when i was in 6th grade.
- fdsfsd by fftestjul10
- fsdf
- The Darkness by xXDark_ImprisonmentXx
- Shadows on the seiling of things that don't exist...
- Who wil She Fall For? by Kagurome
- As if Dawn's life isn't hard enough. Her step mom just died, big tests are coming up, and she's only left with her alcoholic father who's never home. What happens when she gets taken away from home. Will she find out about her ...
- 7,8,9 of When You Left by FREAKTARDflaminpopsicle
- more if it again
- Do you think Hacking is Real? by LETS SING A SAILOR SONG
- Check this Non-Fiction story in Gaia and you will know!
- Why? by Xx-I_iS_PaNdA-xX
- This is about my brother and what happined when he died D: He died of hypothermia,btw.
- The Melody by Candy Flavored Kisses
- I wrote this story while listening to a song [link below] and I felt so inspired yet so filled with sorrow at the same time and I thought,why not write a story to go with the song? So I hope you like it.
- rose by Alice_Madn3ss
- hi ^^ i just wanted to share this with other ppl..well enjoy
- The Heart of a Murderer by alyssabubbleteax3
- This is what Murder is felt. this is a made up poem that i wrote when i was so mad at someone! no i am not a murderer i just made this up gosh!