Fiction Arena SpotLight
- House of darkness by Mentalpatient128
- I like this story but im not sure whether some of the ideas came across very well - Critic wanted! Mark is the underdog. The one that always gets picked last in gym, the one guys shout at in an attempt to impress their girls. ...
- randomness. by renerup 1
- randomness. the description is in the name. read this for a big laugh.
- Perfect by modgirl333
- This story is set in an alternate reality. A world where you have mythical Gods who appear randomly into peoples lives, very medieval. Hope you like it!!
- Lunas Love by buttox-of-batman
- a teenage girl named luna gose threw hard times she is hated at school by everyone but sciler a boy that will change lunas life (please comment if u want another chapter)
- A Question! by LeeEyeLa
- This is something I wrote about two years ago, but it still holds a place in my heart. It's not my best writing, but I still hope you enjoy. A Question. A love story. <3
- The Wolf and the Bow (ch2) by Wolfboy Rogue
- Chapter 2: Financing the bow. This chapter and the next chapter are pretty much fillers, but i hope they give some good characterization.
- A deep red christmas (rated M) by Nathanderdethdealer
- a horror story i wrote many moons ago in 2007
- my guardian 2 by xoxolozeeoxox
- another story from my pyra series this is half true and half made up the ditch is a real place in my town it is in the middle of the woods and is an abandoned quarry. [NOTE: some of the things i wrote about demons and ghost...
- False Love by Fateshand27
- This story is about a girl who has been hurt alot in her life. When she finds out that she is in love with her best friend, she doesn't know what to do. So she hides the feelings. She refuses to love him. Will she really turn a...
- Butterflies by Sidravel
- This is the first story that I ever wrote. It was from a dream that I had after my boyfriend died.
- Monster World Chapter 5 by clayman0302
- This is where the story really starts to get exciting. I call this one training and a shadow of the past returns.
- Saving Moon by RockOnGirl12
- Sabrina really doesn't know what to say she does know that Scarlet can do anything and she knows what Zack really is and worst of all she had to get that book back because Scarlet wanted her book back and that it's self is a th...
- Nightmares and Angels by Spazzy_the_turtle
- *read and you'll find out what its about*
- White dusk chapter 1 by sparowblade12
- none
- Soul Generics [Working Title] by Xaica
- This is something I've been on-off writing for the past while, and what I've posted is only the prologue of the story. I'm curious to see what people have to say about it, so please leave a comment, good or bad; all criticism i...
- Woman of War Part 2 by HeraWolf
- After another day of no results on her mother's disappearance, Elliot decides to get some fresh air to cool off. While relaxing, she meets a peculiar woman who happens to have a thing with Ares..... Rate and comment please! Co...
- Jayne's Memories by Dancin In Heaven
- Heres the next part: Jayne has to deal with all the lies and she has to make desicions, and she learns more about the immortal life.
- Shadow Princess: ch.1, p.2 by Menardi Grace
- Elauria, the girl destined to save the elemental gaurdian sisters from the taint, lost her father to the shadows. A continuation from Ch.1, p.1. Ch 2: ...
- Silent Rose by RockOnGirl12
- Lacey doesn't know what to think being able to look at your body when you are clearly dead but deep down she knows and she really doesn't want to believe it.....
- Feel the icyness of her skin by Spontaneously Spazgasmic
- I wrote this a long time ago. It's old, but it's an original. Tell me what you think.