I sat there, in the darkness, as Kazune's scream ran through my mind over, and over, and over again. I couldn't move my body, and the tears kept coming. I wanted to go back up for him, but I didn't. Something held me back, pushing me to go on alone. But I just couldn't do it. Then, I thought of the way Kazune smiled at me, telling me to go on, that he will be okay. I felt courage fill my body and heart. "I'm coming to find you, Kazune." I said and carefully made sure no one was around and went out of the thingy in the wall. I came to a corner and quickly went into the shadows and flatened myself against the wall as I heard a man's voice. "He put up a real fight, killed at least a thousand other men after he pushed the girl away." "Now way! Your kidding!" said a second man's voice. "It's true. He put up a real fight, but eventually we captured him, he's in the cell room right now. Cell number 236, I think. He is schedualed for an execution in the morning. I have the keys right here." I heard a jingle of keys and the second man's voice. "Wow! Is the girl in there with him?" I stepped out of the shadows and around the corner, I was easily spotted. "No, I'm not." I said. Both men barely had any time to turn their heads before I killed them with one swipe of my swords. I took the kes "Thanks" I said. I hurried down to the cell room, to cell number 236. I found Kazune there, his scife was next to the sleeping ( sorry, sleeping in peace) guard next to his cell. "Kazune" I whispered into his cell. He looked up and rushed up to the cell bars. "Sakura! What are you doing here?" he asked. "Shh! Saving your butt, that's what!" I whispered. "You should've left me" he said. I unlocked his cell (I didn't brake open the bars becouse we had to be quiet), looked up at him, said seriously "I would've rather taken a damn piece of wood and hammered a bunch into my flesh and bone than leave you behind." He seemed suprised by my answer. "Let me see your back" I said. He blushed "I'm fine" I looked at him "Either you take off your shirt, or I will." He sighed, took off and showed me his back. It had three long gashes on his back. "They pierced you with wood. Didn't they?" I said, running my hand softly down his back. He nodded, seeming to calm down as my hand touched his back. I started to do healing magic on his back. "You don't need to do that" Kazune said, trying to stand up. I Grabbed his shoulder and pushed him back down. I healed his back, and he put his shirt back on. "Let's go" he said, and grabbed my hand. We ran down the hallway together and slid into the darkness when some guards came onto our path. The bright lights made it hard NOT to see anything, but lady luck was on our side tonight, or so I thought. We came into a large dome-like room with blood splattered all over the walls. In the middle of the room was two monsters, chewing on human bones. They were chained to two metal poles, but I knew that wouldn't hold them for very long. The first was a black furred giant wolf. It had blood red eyes, and it looked hungrey, it's teeth like white pearls splattered with blood, howl, loud enough to shake the whole room. The second was basicaly a huge cyclopse (Iknow, crazy, right?). His only teeth were ther four in front, two on the top, two on the bottom. They were yellow and rotting. His muscles bulged as he tried to get off the pole. We would've ran, but where would we go? Our destination was just across the room, huge, peach colored doubled doors were on the otherside of that room. "Ready?" I asked Kazune he nodded, and we got ready for the biggest battle of a life-time.
Read asasin's last job part 6 to see what will happen next.
asasin's last job part 5
Did Kazune live? Will Sakura be able to go on alone? Will she die?
Please comment!
P.s. Guess what my vampires can do?
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