Fiction Arena SpotLight
- the killer by kello_thekiten
- a story about a killer
- Bleach Story by John Hawker
- A bleach fan fition story by me XD
- Legend Of The Wolf Guardian by DecafKitten
- A story I am currently writing. Note: no the people are not elves, the elves died out many years before but their towns still remain. Everybody but Rikki and possibly Auntie and Emmit are human. This is only part one. In fu...
- Crimson High by key-to-unlock-your-heart
- In a world where being a vampire is a disease and the creatures walk freely through the world of humans; there is one girl who has more reason than most to fear the night children. After losing her mother to a vampire serial ki...
- My Life by Neko Cupcake666
- Just a little thing i made up, enjoy!
- One Last Night .chapter one. by Miss Emma Lee
- This is the first installment of an unfinished short story, but when it is done, it could easily be a novella or book. It's about a young sprite (my own idea of one), Tristan, and his forbidden love of a human, Emily. RECENTL...
- Urushiol by NihongoSeito
- Not everyone can handle the stress of war and constant fear, even with the help of a loved one. I did this for a writing contest and the limit is 1,500 words. I did the best I could. I hope you like it.
- Ava's Story by XxxAvaxxX
- This is the story of a puppy called Ava, who has to leave her family to go to another one. I hope you enjoy it as much as I cried writing it. :D Please comment.
- Zogen Tales "Starn" Ch.1-2 by Starn Wolfmaid
- A piece of one of my series about a teenage Zogen, Starn. It kinda starts in the middle of her life because I haven't quite completed the prologues. It's a little rough perhaps, but the content is good,,,I think.
- Conventionality by kitten klutz
- I was thinking of Envy from Fullmetal Alchemist when I wrote this drabblish type thing. I made it more general though because...well yeah. ^-^;
- Envy by kitten klutz
- Wah. I believe I've been a little obsessed with Envy lately. ^-^;> Lesee. In the manga, Envy is well, an "it". And I prefer the manga so that's that. :3
- farewell... by toxicXteardrops
- for: megan (I apologize in advance for my horrendous spelling)
- Dreams of Death by liralith
- This is a story I'm working on about a woman who has to relive her life and uncover magical plots with her at the center. If a story could be more vague than that then I'll give it a prize. Ask for updates if you like it.
- chapter 1: vampire by Piccadally
- this is a really stupid little thing that i wrote one day when i was bored. it kinda popped into my head i just had to type it out. it didn't turn out to bad but the last part is kinda iffy, as in totally improbable in a odd-ba...
- trapped by poisonkiss13
- this was out of tottall boredness.....and i thought of a random subject, so i picked this one....and if you think this sucks, okay then. this is NOT true of my life(well at least some of it isn't).
- Prologue to "Mage's Willpower" by Basher Colson
- This is a prologue to my first story based over towards The Elder Scrolls VI: Oblivion. It's about one of my characters, Brittany Marrison, who's a Nord mage pursuing her goal of becoming Arch-Mage. You can read more of it h...
- The Gargoyle. by Nefaerious
- Slightly mature. Based on my avatar. (Which has been changed since this was written.) A short tale depicting the power of innocence and the vunrebilities it brings. A new style I'm messing around with. :3 It's a little cho...
- That One by Music Drew7
- A Story about That Boy. He was no more and no less then another one known commonly as That one.
- Awakening by Gaara-Renji-lover
- Halloween: probably the most fun holiday of the year. Not for Ty. Halloween always has a way of biting him in the a**, whether it's being hit by a car, a building exploding next to him or the Grim Reaper showing up to take his ...
- Crimson High - chapter 2 by key-to-unlock-your-heart
- In a world where being a vampire is a disease and the creatures walk freely through the world of humans; there is one girl who has more reason than most to fear the night children. After losing her mother to a vampire serial ki...