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Fiction Arena SpotLight
    • Midnight by Kawaii chibi pup
    • This was originally a quiz I posted on Quizilla if you want to take the quiz here is the link: http://www.quizilla.com/quizzes/8009338/midnight Also this is just for girls sorry guys ^_^' Well here is what its about: Your name...
    • Why? by tajikistan96
    • Woah, sorry for all the noncanon stuff. D: I'm sooooo sorry! D: *Violante actually did ask the Bluejay(Mo) to abandon his wife to be part of Ombra and marry Violante, but he said no. A summary: Violante was always fascinat...
    • Catscratch Preview by Ephynas Puggle
    • Hello, this is a basic preview of my next book idea. if enough people like it, or think it's good I will finish the book and get it published and hopefully start selling. Basically, Catscratch is a complicated love story with...
    • "THE BOY WHO CRIED WOLF" PART1 by uberlawabiding
    • To who this concerns, I wrote this up really quickly, so I'm not expecting stuff like 'well done my boy' or 'you da man'. I understand that I need to work on writing, therefore please don't be a ultra jerk to me. I am accepting...
    • Memoria Chapter 1 by Lunaria Solari
    • I am just beginning to write an original story, I have done many fan fictions but this whole ‘own plot and characters’ thing I’m still trying to get use to. Please leave comments on what you think, if I get feedback it w...
    • Andrian -Chapter Two- by Nightmare Zealot
    • The story of a dark being known as Andrian and how he takes on the mortal realm to defend it. Only to meet a senior girl, Francois. Francois not only turns his world upside down with her presence but in turn he opens her eyes u...
    • Attraction by iLainey
    • I get bored and when I get bored I start writing books/novels what ever you want to call them so I hope you like my beginning idea for this one Its not very long but feel free to tell me what I can improve and so on it will be ...
    • hard life-1 by Ryu Genja
    • As i grow up as a normal Puerto Rican kid i have my differences in life i went through a lot, basically my up's and down's im surprised im doing good in life but im glad people are there for me. Don't put rude comments to put m...
    • Telescope Eyes by Neccasaurus Rex
    • I wrote this for my Creative Writing class' Final. I based it off of the song Telescope Eyes by Eisley. MAY CONTAIN TRACES OF EMU. Please enjoy. :>
    • Embrace this night by TenHanzo
    • OK this is my first time doing this so here it goes. Its a story about a boy named Darren whos familly dies and he has to move with his aunt and uncle. His cousin has a strange and weird girlfriend. But Darren cant help but fal...
    • it started with by Cymbolic_Lyght
    • this is about a girl named cymes (sigh-mess) and her sister Moonlight. one day they had to take a test at a teachers house, and now they wished they never did, they can't believe that this all it started with was a test and thi...
    • Lord Kiwik by xiao668
    • Its unedited, but I couldn't help but post it real quick! ^^; This was just a quick introduction to Kiwik (duh). He was originally from a story, but I think I'm going to quit that project and move him to one of his own. I'm a b...
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