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Writing Arena SpotLight
    • Time Flies by beautiful darkside
    • I wrote this when I was sad at a time..(I'm not anymore. :]) And also to prove I was a better writer than my younger friend (Keaglin or something like that, her name on GAIA!) I've beem writing since the 2nd grade, and honestly...
    • A Monochromatic Dream by Lady Emergency
    • Okay, I hope this isn't too terribly graphic. I have other pieces that would probably cause severe mental damage that I have and you don't want. Her name is Cyanide, his Thirteen. Um...enjoy?
    • Heartbreak by x kitkatlove
    • I wrote this a long time ago o.o... Like, a year? And I can't tell you my motivation for this. it's extremely embarrassing -_- So yeah, this story is depressing. It has more (like 10 more chapters) but I won't post it here. *p...
    • The Creation of Corflix by King Exseada
    • The Creation based on the bible, but I do not believe this and it is not meant to be close to the actual story. In the bible mada's real name is Adam Mankind Gender: Male Origin: Hebrew...Life Gender: Female Origin: Hebrew...Ni...
    • Rising Sun High Chapter 9 by ZzTakeruzZ
    • This is my original story that has an anime feel to it; Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess and the other Gods sense a great Evil is upon them; Suichi is recruited and he discovers his Spirit Guide and that he has to find others like hi...
    • Rising Sun High Chapter 10 by ZzTakeruzZ
    • This is chapter 10 of my anime styled story; Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess and the other Gods sense a great Evil is upon them; Suichi is recruited and he discovers his Spirit Guide and that he has to find others like him to stop t...
    • Aishiteru by Punke_the_Hare
    • [Death Note. LxLight.] Murder? Regret? Love? Who knew Light Yagami was capable of such absurdities? Light makes some life-altering realizations on the way to visit L. Disclaimer: I do not own Death Note, obviously.
    • The Crash by Spikey Spiegel
    • This is a fictitious story about how far any real friend would go for another.... Told in the present and past tenses in six parts.... Enjoy! Update: Finished! Please rate high and comment! Thanks! Spikey Spiegel
    • ~New Mission~ by Wolf_Demoness_Raye
    • Raye and Tsukiko took a dangerous mission, to infiltrate the Akatsuki lair and report all they learned to the Hokage. But they are taken hostage by two members and must now find a way to escape. This is a fanfic I wrote a whil...
    • Magic by X58_Sofie
    • When a tired samurai takes solace at an inn on a summer evening, he finds that summer rains are as unpredictable as people say. Originally posted to deviantART, on my account, Seta-sempai.
    • Just A Midnight Winter Dream by -Chuu Kitsune-
    • Something i did while bored . Its random , and sweet . The guy i mentioned in this is one of my guys in real life . This is something i wish would happen for REAL . But no . I have over - protective parents . Enjoy, then commen...
    • Howl Of The Wolf by Akirain
    • During a training session Orochimaru kidnaps Hinata and infuses a wolf demon in her. Naruto is the only one who can help her tame the beast within.
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