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Writing Arena SpotLight
    • "I lie in the bed, completely motionless except for the slow and labored rising of my chest. Each breath resisting it's journey into my chest. Stinging the walls of my lungs and clogging my throat. A heavy feeling rises from my...
    • "The cold, murky water opens under the dark sky. The moon shines off the dark water, slightly illuminating the black night. The water breaks under the weight suddenly falling on it. The cold water swallows it up. The blood rise...
    • [unknown title] by XXhannah_eleitheXX
    • This is a story I started to right but never did finish or get far. I might start it again... I forgot all about it though intill i was going threw notebooks at school [never did take note just wrote alot of poems and stuff...i...
    • A Prologue by madameshadowenn
    • So this is a prologue I'm using in one of my fanfiction stories and I'm wondering whether it *captures* the reader, so comment and tell me please.
    • The Hellhound Circuit by Nala12345
    • Well, I have been dying to write (type) this forever. If you want to see the actual characters and what they look like, go to my webbie :D (ask for link)
    • VAMPIRES VS. STAR TREK by small Alice
    • This is a mini-play I wrote. It's about a challenge between Spock and Kirk (Star Trek) - Edward (Twilight) and Spike (Buffy). I hope you find if funny! =D
    • The Hellhound Circuit 2 by Nala12345
    • Here's chapter one. From Steiner's point of view. He's starting to realize that changing into a hellhound has dramatically affected his personality. It's slowly fading into something different. He's changing, and he doesn't lik...
    • A Tale of Two Cities : Jacques by Calimouse
    • This was my most recent project for English. I did a short story based on A Tale of Two Cities. My teacher gave multiple options for what sort of project to do such as a comic book or a board game. I chose to do a missing chapt...
    • A Vampire Arranged Marriage by Zalkyria
    • Mai Hisoka (Ocean Secret) was a young woman who can never trust anyone after the incident. She has been mute for 4 years ever since it happened. The incident will be revealed so fret not. Mai is 17 years old, she was born in Os...
    • What you don't know.... by Hekibel
    • Alia is explaining to her boyfriend about her suppressed memories. For ten years, she couldn't remember anything from the time before she was eight. Now, due to some flashbacks and trauma, Alia can remember the horrors of her p...
    • Dream On- Prologue by CocoxEatingxFairy
    • Well that's the the beginning. Don't worry it'll get better. I'm still trying to form all my thoughts on the paper. Right now I can only see the story in my mind, actually this was a dream I had one night and I liked it a lot....
    • A Meeting with an Angel by thebest31
    • I wrote this stroy when I was feeling like I wanted to run away. I had just finished a fight with my dad and as usual it ended with not settleing anything.
    • Legacy 1 by Omega Rai
    • The story of Two individuals, Raijuu Ikazuchi and Hyoujin Akayuki, who are currently trying to recover lost memories of their past lives. Prologue/ Chapter 1. The Average Turn.
    • After the War: Life Goes On by darkwizardcatcher
    • This is a Harry Potter fanfiction. It takes place soon after the Battle of Hogwarts. Harry and Ginny finally tie the knot and go on a honeymoon. When they get home from the honeymoon Harry goes back to work training to be an a...
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