Writing Arena SpotLight
- Tales of a Cross-Breed by Jiro-Yasuo
- The story of my roleplaying character, he appears to be of age twenty, however this is all I will tell you for now. Personal Message me if you end up getting very curious, because you should be.
- All You Need by nepie
- This is a story I wrote for my creative writing class. It's kinda long ^^;;; Constructive criticism is welcomed. Enjoy :3
- LOTFL part one by zadow411
- Ok! part one of my land of the Fire Lights series! there is a prologue, but you don't have to read it. this part mainly focuses on Nezdel and her sister. the real action is in part 2 though it would be wise to read this one fr...
- The Tales of a Vampire Prince by Dare Ashles
- vampire prince love mysterious, An excerpt from a story I started If you wanna know more, just pm me. It;s part of a story I started to write but haven't gotten to finish yet. If people really like this I might finish it.
- Second Moon by Astomiko
- This is the story of a shapeshifter named Sarahshi who is sent to earth for the 'Red Moon Examinations'. They are a survival test to see how much you have learnt during the year. I kindly elder finds her and brings her back wit...
- High School- Nerds Part 2 by Woosel
- same story, Chapter 2 (and if someone would like to help me with the writing of Chapter 3, i would appreciate it!)
- Passing Unnoticed by Akito_Kokoro
- This is a story i wrote for a contest in the writing forums here. I got inspiration from the song Open Your Eyes by Staind. This does have some sensative subject, nothing above PG-13, but just sensative so just a warning to all...
- a gift not really given by flamingpie32
- someone told me i should start writing stories so this is what i came up with
- Wherever My Wings May Fly P1 by Snipers Angel
- This is a short story (which isn't all in that short) that I wrote for my schools literacy magazine. I had to rush through it a bit to get it done on the due date so it is not perfect, but I still believe it turned out well. An...
- A unknown story by Goldenthyrsus
- This is part of the second book to the series i am writing, it is still in the thinking prosses since i am still on the first book. I know i had used these names in my warm-ups but i asure you they are not the same vampires! i ...
- A Other Nobody by DeathZero883
- This is a Kingdom Heart story it takes place after Chain Of Memories and will be continued.
- Kindling by JarrahDreamer
- One of my favourite extracts from my first book, Situations. "Kindling" is a blurring of a part of my life, a life I once wanted, and imagination. This is one of my favourite chapters, and certainly one of the most heartfelt....
- Story 4: The Take over: Part 2 by FalseWing
- The adventure of the 4th story continues. It was too long so I had to cut it up into two parts, and just for everybody THIS IS STORY 4 want to know what is going on. Ready Story 1 and go on.
- Chapter 1: The Encounter by Hotaru_Nanashi
- This is chapter 1 of a story I've been working on for a couple of years now. I've changed the plot a few times before finally deciding on a great solid one! (no sexual pun intended...) I hope you enjoy it, please rate and comm...
- Loneliness by bhytear
- This is not one of my longer, more worked on stories, if you can call it that, which i doubt. It's sort of more of an image then a story, but whatever. I am telling the honest truth that I am making this up on the spot, just be...
- Dragon's Awakening by ArchangelTsuya
- This is just a small pilot for a Fan-Fiction of Dragonlance I'm doing, please give me criticism on what I did wrong or what I can improve on please, I love writing and want to be better. I know the story seems like it requires ...
- Another Day by DarkMouseGaze
- A story i have been working on around one boy who is unloved, uncared for, unwanted, and invisible to everyone... This are going to change... Aren't they? I mean No offense to people within this story Im not sure of the ...
- The Paladin by The Traveling Man
- This story is actually not finished yet, when complete it will be a full novel. I'm still working with parts of what I have now and may revise it later.
- The Legend of the Twilight Bow by Canis The White
- Just a story that i found myself writing after drawing a picture. Sadly, the picture has been lost...