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Writing Arena SpotLight
    • BetaForce - Echo Cell Part 2 by blaster219
    • 14 year old Toby Smith, hunted by the government for his newly awakened mutant abilities, finds himself in the hands of the underground resistance movement, BetaForce.
    • first bounty chapters 1-3 by 7thwave-
    • this is the first 3 chapters for a story im writing, and id like feed back, and iff you like it i have more in my journal so check it out if you get the chance
    • The book by Aint No Elvis
    • Written for a contest. It's about a couple of teenagers, captivated by a book of "black magic," and wondering what to do next. It's a little bit horror, a little bit action, but overall written realistically.
    • The Kiss by AlanivAsthore
    • A private moment, shared by two people. I origionally wrote this to go into a longer story(I was practicing writing longer romantic scenes- I used to totally suck at them), but over the course of editing the story, it ended ...
    • Applesauce! by AlanivAsthore
    • Just playing around with 1920s slang. I wrote this as an extra credit assignment for my english class this year. We got 1/2 a point for every slang term we used correctly. It was a lot of fun to write, just because of the caref...
    • Rage by Zathen
    • First chapter in a novel I started writing 2 years ago... Tell me what you think... oh... and sorry... >< I can't write blurbs ><
    • Prince and sorceress by Grillmasta Patty
    • A magic kingdom suffering from oppression and the loss of a prince long long ago..or something like that..just a little something I wrote a while back..if ppl like it I will write more..so enjoy!!! feedback is appreciated..but ...
    • Orchestrated Battle by Magicck
    • This is a short misadventure of a psychic warrior named Damon. You'll notice right off the bat over the top battle style I've chosen, as opposed to realism.
    • The awaited sequel to the highly-praised "Viz Alla Ti" is finally finished. This second half to the story is symbolically heavy, so at times if you don't think of symbolism, you won't understand some of the story. *SPOILERS* ...
    • Twilight Amusements by Korealicious
    • This is basically just a diary entry written by a character that I'm currently developing. It's not perfect, of course, just something I wrote so that the audience could maybe understand Seth, my protagonist, better. Seth is th...
    • The Alchamyst by Flamming Arachnids
    • Rae has finally turned 17 and only has one more year at the academy and December has agreed to stay with her when they get out since Rae is an orphan and has been alone since she was five,now that Rae has December what will hap...
    • Aden Silvertree Chapter 1 by Tetsuhana Seguchi
    • Chapter 1 This is chapter 1 of my unpublished novel. It takes place in Kulandria. The first chapter begins in Darkwood Forest with two Kayalin(Shapeshifter) children. Feedback would be GREATLY appreciated.
    • Big City by BLNightx23x
    • My best friend, Zasmara, and I did a bit of work together. I did the brunt of the writing, but he was there for ideas. Here it is, just like he asked for it, Big City Chapter 1. *Warning* Chapters later on in this story will h...
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