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Writing Arena SpotLight
    • By Moonlight Chapter 1 by Timelords_Moose
    • I just re-wrote the 1st chapter. After reading the first one I wanted to puke so I decided to change the story up a bit. Make it a little more interesting and exciting. I hope I do well. Please read the new version and comment!...
    • New Age p.1 by Fenix_Windforce
    • A Story of Fantasy and modern worlds collide, leaving the sky as the limit, and plot turns around each corner. Part one contains everything from Prologue to Chapter 5. More to come. Writing is as always so going, and these w...
    • Naowa Misani by Black Goddess Of Creation
    • This story is about a girl who finds a rather wordly light that is being emitted from the sky. But every time she brings s.omeone out to see that light it vanishes later on in the story she forgets about the light and a lady th...
    • Release the Beast part 1 by HeraWolf
    • Cosima is an ordinary thirteen year old girl, who just happens to meet the most handsome man she has ever seen in her life on her way home from school. As much as she tries to avoid him, he just won't leave her alone. But could...
    • Seeing Is Believing by MiniMagicMage
    • Well this is another short story I did for my adv. English class! the theme was to write about a time travel story, so I chose to go back in time to the late 60s to "accidently" meet my parents at a much younger age. Hope you g...
    • Bruises. by Mapetha
    • A teeny tiny drabble I wrote when I was feeling particularly lovey dovey, I suppose.
    • Name To Be Announced Chapter 1 by -Sunny Saulations-
    • This story is about four teenagers who have alternate universes in their mind, from which they alternate from their world and to the Kiagumo realm. When they find out there minds are all connected, Nicole is on the verge of kil...
    • "The Elves Diamond" Chapter 1 by Suri Hoshigawa
    • In the ancient times of Japan, Suri is a ruler of a Kingdom. A prophecy states that a young man from another time is to assist Suri in her journey to retrieve a crescent shaped diamond that was stolen. Along their journey they ...
    • Strawberry Heart by sakabato24
    • The main character (Mark) falls in love in with this mysterious girl (Tea), but accidentally mistaken the girl to be one of the more popular girls (May). He asks Mark asks May out, and surprisingly she says yes, but finds out t...
    • Axel's Hair by Sharlea Isabella
    • This story was originally posted on fanfiction.net under the username SharleaNorth. This is the story of how come Axel's hair has that blown back look. I don't know how I thought of this one. Not the funniest thing I've ever ...
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