The akatsuki though ruthless and powerful needed their sleep too.
all except for Kiname.
Kiname... Deidara's little sister and master at the same clay forming technique, slowly out doing her older brother.
Her red hair fell over her face as she looked up into the dawn.The early morning sun slowly being blocked out by small rain clouds.
She sighed as the small raindrops fell on her face,running over her fresh brusies.
She had never gotten along with the leader her hatred making her curse him for all he's worth,but her last few words to him,were her last.
The leader had all he could stand and beat her to a bloody mess stopped only by deidara.
She now sat under a nearby tree close to the akatsuki hideout not speaking a word.
She didn't speak since the beating despite deidara's questions of her condition.
She formed a small clay fox in her hands.
It smiled at her only to be smashed by the tighting of her hand.
"I had a reason for joining this hell hole....why is it that i can't seem to remeber it?"
She wispered to herself as the rain began to fall faster.
"I hate the rain un!!"Deidara shouted running up to her.
Kiname looked up at him.
He smiled at her.
"Hiya,sis what're you doing in the rain un?He asked.
"Thinking"She replied looking away from him and out into the feild ahead of her.
"What about?"he asked sitting down beside her.
"Deidara?...."She whispered looking at him.
"why did you Join?...and why did you force me into joining?"
Deidara looked a her confused.
"what do you mean? you joined on your own."
"yeah,but the leader would have never known about me if you didn't open your mouth!"
Deidara smiled.
"I kinda had no choice..The akatsuki needed a medical ninja."
"But....Why me!?!"
Deidara hugged her.
"Your my sis...besides you hated those creeps in Iwa right?so i brought you here."
She pushed away from him.
"I'd rather be with them...At least they didn't try to beat me to de..."she paused as she felt deidara's hand on her cheek rubbing over her major bruise.
"I'm sorry..your right.It would be better if you were in Iwa...and don't get me wrong i've thought about asking the leader to let you go,but.."
She put her hand on his holding it to her cheek.
"but what?" she asked
"'s nothing..don't worry about it"He said quickly pulling away from her and standing up.
"Oh that reminds me un...."He said smiling again. "Sasori won't leave me alone...he keeps asking where you are..of course i did keep asking him and i was freaking out a min ago...but all in all he was aking about you."He stuck his tongue out.
"So come on." he extended his hand out to her.
Kiname stared at him for a secound but took his hand and let him help her up.
They started back to the hideout.
"You know don't smile as much as you used to."
Kiname sighed.
"I don't have a reason to smile anymore...I'm just living waiting for my death."
deidara looked at her then stright ahead.
"But I liked it when you smiled Kiname...It made me happy knowing my sis was happy. and I miss the way you acted when you younger?"
Kiname stopped dead in her tracks and stared at the back of his head as he contuined to walk.
He noticed she wasn't beside him anymore and turned to see her stnading there.
"What's wrong un?"
Kiname smiled.
"I like your smile too dei-nii-san."she said in a voice that would remind you of a five year old.
Deidara laughed.
"It just doesn't fit you anymore."
They walked on to the hideout to see sasori standing infront of the entrance(outside of his puppet)
"Kiname!!!"He shouted.
Kiname looked up to see sasori but befor she could react he pulled her into hug.
"Uh...Sasori-danna what are you doing?"
Sasori let go
"I did it to prove that I don't hate you like HE thinks!"sasori shouted putting at deidara.
Sorry but i have to go to be continued as the ysay. xd
comment with how well you think it was i need as many tips i can get i am auther after all...
Bye bye and i'll leave you with these..

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And with this Operatica stole my heart heart