lalalala!! ^^ hello again. ^^ this is chapter two of my fancolaborationfic. wow sweatdrop big long fancy word. anyways, this chapter may be EXTREMELY confusing...its kind of like a second story, but the first chapter story is the main story.
so...ENJOY!!! mrgreen
-Chapter Two
Miyoko Mythe watched from a distance with dancing green eyes as the new freshmen students streamed from the bus toward the office building, their excited chatter reaching her pointed ears. The girl watched for a few minutes but was soon bored, and turned away with the usual smirk on her face, dragging her gold plated scythe on her left hip. She went on her daily visit to the Training Grounds.
“Yoko!” a familiar call from behind reached her ears. She turned around.
A sixteen year old girl with a bow and quiver strapped to her back was running up the street toward her. Her current best friend and part faerie, Katara Rai slowed as she reached her friend. “Hey!” the girl grinned.
Miyoko answered with less enthusiasm but not unkindly. Katara seemed to be the only person who trusted her, but others were right to stay away. They would only be unsuccessful in trying to befriend her. “Hey. What’s up?”
Katara gave her an odd look. “What’s up? What’s up! Is that how you greet a friend?” she asked with fake hurt in her voice. She smiled, “Nothings up. I just wanted to come with you to the Training Grounds.”
Miyoko cocked her head, causing her black streaked blond hair to fall sideways. “Hm, I think I’ll go to the Arena today.” They began walking to such the direction.
As they stood before the wide stadium, Katara asked, “Why do you even bother? You know you could beat everyone on the campus…even the seniors.” The truth suddenly struck her. “Oh…” was what she said.
Upon entering the building, screams and shouts reached their ears, as the audience cheered for the combatants. Miyoko and Katara made their way to the front row. The noise grew louder, for this time of day seemed to be when the stadium was almost completely full- right at lunch.
They reached the front, unsurprised that only two combatants currently fought. The fights were most often duels, but parties and many against one were also common. Now, there were two sophomores.
She recognized them from the previous year. One was Hiei Jagonshi, the other was Shuichi Minnamino; both were full fledged demons- though you wouldn’t be able to tell if they just stood before you. Their inhuman speed and strength seemed to be the only hint, besides for Hiei’s jagon eye, which he now concealed.
The two duelists charged at one another in friendly spar. Hiei and Shuichi, also known as Kurama, were very close friends, though Kurama made it obvious and Hiei oblivious. As the same as last school year, the audience loved to watched the two demons spar, for they always seemed to be in a graceful array of dancing swords, Hiei’s blade glinting with the light of the sun. Kurama fought with his briar-twined whip.
Their swift inhuman motion made it all the more elegant to watched. Yet still within its own beauty, they were both determined to win this match. The outcome was a surprise, for Hiei was usually victorious. The demon scowled has Kurama retracted his thorny whip from his throat. The audience roared with applause, as Miyoko watched in silence to see who would be the next challenger. Hiei quickly left the building without a word, leaving his friend to take on the next student who wanted to duel.
Miyoko stared intently at the crowd for a certain face, who was for sure to take up the next fight. A tall figure stood with a long wide sword strapped to his back, and she found with satisfaction that her prediction was correct. That hotshot. She thought glaring daggers at him. Zenn Michio, the only one left whom defied her place as number one. Miyoko scowled as he jumped over the bleachers down to the stadium, his long snow white hair, trailing behind him. The audience cheered.
Katara looked at him with dazzled eyes. When she turned to her friend, Miyoko rolled her eyes. “Oh stop glaring at him like that, Yoko, you have to admit he’s not that bad looking,” the half faerie stared at him in delight, like the hopeless romantic she was.
Miyoko smirked in mockery. “I used to think so…” her usually mischievous eyes burned with anger, “Until what he did last year. You remember don’t you?”
Katara nodded meekly. “Yes…he called you a-“
“-a demon.” Miyoko abruptly finished for her, her voice dripping with venom. She clutched her fists tightly, making her nails dig into her palm and turned her knuckles white. The girl watched as the new combatant unsheathed his sword.
He charged first, causing his opponent to also. This was no friendly spar as the last one had been. Zenn showed hate in his pale blue eyes; Kurama’s forestry eyes in turn revealed frustration and irritation. The demon was forced to do much evading, for his whip was no match for such a blade. Once they locked; Kurama forced into a lethal position, but his superior strength managed to push his opponent away with enough distance from himself to use his briared weapon in a complicated formation which his opponent had hardly time to dodge. The duel only lasted a few minutes before Zenn had one of his knives pointed at the other’s throat. A silence fell over the crowd.
Kurama smiled wearily and dropped his whip on the ground, indicating his surrender. It fell with a clear thump; the audience still silent. The pale haired teenager slowly lowered his sword, allowing the gentleman of a demon to silently reclaim his weapon and leave the building in silence. Screams and shouts erupted around Miyoko, but she paid no mind to them, still intently watching Zenn as his gaze shifted down to his sword, avoiding the gaze of the crowd; while Katara covered her ears irritably.
Miyoko looked around after the cheering had subdued. When no moved to challenge him– as she would have thought as much- the elfin girl put one hand on rail leaping over it in her natural grace and also landing as so. The large scythe on her waist clinked as she strolled across toward the middle of the stadium.
Zenn straightened himself slightly when he realized that someone had challenged him. When his ghostly eyes set on Miyoko, despise twisted his face. It turned to vicious rage when he noticed her cocky gait. He scowled. She, in turn, smirked devilishly at his obvious reaction, fingering the scythe at her hip.
The golden plated weapon glinted in the sun as she pulled it into fighting stance. For almost a minute they glared at one another, the audience shifted uncomfortably in their seats. Zenn had silk white hair that lengthened past his shoulders. His eyes a pale blue almost white. His ears had a slight point to them as he was part elf. Miyoko being more fully elf, had greater speed and strength, but where their skills lie, Zenn excelled.
She charged first, leaping high into the air toward her opponent, as always being the impatient one. He followed her movement, and as they met in the air, brought his weapon down on her. Miyoko blocked it easily with a swift tug of her scythe, pushing him back to the ground as she flipped over him. Zenn somersaulted as he reached the ground to prevent any injury. He turned around and charged at her, causing dust to fly as his blade grazed the ground. Again she blocked his attack with only a swift turn of her weapon, trapping them both in a lock.
Miyoko cocked her head to the side putting on an innocent look. “You don’t expect to defeat a full fledged elf do you?” she nodded to his short pointed ears and smirked, “Halfling?”
He grinded his teeth together just trying to stay on his feet while she easily kept him away with her superior strength. “Full fledged?” Zenn asked in a strained voice, “Hah! You’re strength comes from that demon in you!”
Her anger flared, but she desperately kept it hidden, determined not to give him the satisfaction of her outrage. Nonetheless the spark of fire in her eyes was all he needed to see. He smirked. “Did I make you mad, demon?”
Miyoko pushed him away, grinding her teeth together in frustration. I won’t let it get to me. I can’t! She took a deep breath to calm herself before she retorted icily, “Who do you speak of? This demon?” With her scythe held high above her head, Miyoko ran toward him.
End Chapter Two
whoo hoo! ^^ hope you all liked it, please comment and here are the charater intro...thingies.
Miyoko: another one of my creations, wings of eternity
Katara: a creation of one of my friend's charaters. ^^ she does not have a gaia account and the name is taken from the waterbender in AVATAR, if oyu were wondering
Zenn: a creation of erm...a former crush of mine...
the beloved and beautiful Kurama! 4laugh from YYH yaaaaay!!
and the loveable Hiei whee whee whee
I hope you enjoyed the featuring of these HOTT and GORGEOUS young gentlemen. ^^ and GUESS WHAT!? they're going to be here next chapter too!!
...I think...COMMENT!!! whee
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