...well...not that much. ^^ but still it was fun. anyways, here is the next chapter, though you might have to review chapter 1 first casue it picks up right where chapter 1 leaves off. sweatdrop ^^ This is one of my favorites so I hope you like it. 3nodding
Plz read and comment. heart
-Chapter Three
The threesome walked along the side walk, chattering endlessly; Sam and Miya doing most of the talking. The other listened quietly with her occasional comment. As they rounded a corner, Amy bumped into a tall boy with fiery red hair.
“Oh, sorry!” the apology simultaneously uttered. He turned around revealing gentle green eyes. She stared at the ground blushing furiously, while Miya and Sam’s eyes sparkled at the sight of him. “Are you all right?” he asked looking down at Amy with a concerned expression, his brow was covered in sweat.
The girl nodded violently, eager to get away from him. “I’m fine.”
Just then a much shorter dark haired boy appeared behind the first one with a huff. “Kurama, what are you doing; Messing with these freshmen?” His red brown eyes settled irritably on Amy, “what’s wrong with you?"
She suddenly looked up at the speaker with her curious violet eyes, but was silent. Kurama turned to his companion, chastising him, “Hold you tongue, Hiei. That’s no way to speak to a lady.”
Hiei scowled and roughly walked past them. Kurama ignored him as he turned his attention back to Amy with an apologic look, “Please excuse my friend…he tends to open his mouth without thinking ahead of time.” He cocked his head to one side. “I’m sorry, we haven’t been properly introduced. I’m Shuichi, but you can call me Kurama.” He gestured his red head toward his friend, “And that’s Hiei…don’t worry, he’s actually pretty harmless…once you get used to him.”
Sam stepped up a hand extended. “Sam. And that’s Miya, and that’s Amy.”
Kurama smiled. “Amy…I like that name.” This made the girl’s blush turn scarlet. “We’ll be seeing you then.” He walked past them, hurrying to catch up with Hiei.
Miya raised an eyebrow. “Well that was…interesting.” She looked up at the sky. “We better get going if we’re going to get to do anything at all. Umm…which way now?” she glanced expectedly at Sam.
Samantha reached into her pocket and unfolded a piece of paper and stared at it for a time. She flipped it over and cocked her head trying to get a better picture. “Umm…I think...umm…eh, I don’t know! Here you try.” She shoved the paper into Miya’s hands, who in turn also looked over it.
The map was an overall bird’s eye of the entire campus crowded together with many buildings. “Hmm…I mot sure…but…I think it’s this, way.” She looked up and pointed the opposite way of which the boys come from.
Sam looked at Amy who shrugged and began to go the way Miya had pointed. It seemed to be a good reading, for about ten minutes or so later they found a large, loud building with flashing lights. “Sweet!” Samantha ran in ahead of them.
The other two ran after her, but halted abruptly when they reached the entrance as they sucked in the sight. It was a large single room with a multiple variety of games from a quiet chess game to the loud yelling of boys engrossed in virtual combat. There was also a single snack stand up against a wall with ridiculous prices. In one corner, a staircase led to an upper room.
Amy turned to Miya. “Well…what should we do?”
Miya shrugged. “I donno. Let’s just walk around.”
So they did, and ended up playing a few games here and there. Suddenly something caught Miya’s attention in the corner of her eye. She turned to look. It was a tall blond boy with pointy ears sticking out of his hair, his back toward them. He was talking to another guy, with black and white hair and dark ocean blue eyes. Something seemed oddly familiar about the elf boy as he scratched the back of his head.
Miya’s eyes widened with realization. “No way!” she gasped under her breath.
“What?” Her friend glanced at the boys curiously, as the blond slightly turned toward their direction confirming Miya’s thoughts.
“Wait here.” The dark haired girl smiled as she strolled toward them. Miya stopped before them, earning both their stares. “Excuse me.”
“Umm…can we help you?” it seemed only typical elfin courtesy.
She tossed a fake hurt expression on her face, “Of course, Link!”
“Miya?” he asked, with surprise stricken his face.
She smiled gleefully, “Yes!”
Link grinned and put a limp arm around her shoulders, leaning on her. Miya squeaked as her legs gave way, collapsing under her friend’s weight. He tumbled also falling on top of her. “Argh! Link! You did that on purpose!” she struggled to breath, “You’re heavy! Get off me!” The boy jumped up and laughed as he extended a helping hand toward her.
Miya huffed and slapped his hand away, pushing herself up. Link scowled, “Well that wasn’t nice.” She looked her friend over. He was an evident elf with his pointy ears and taller stature, but unlike most he wasn’t lanky. He had as nice build as a fifteen year old boy was capable of obtaining. Ignoring his statement she said quietly, “It’s so nice to finally see you again. And…” she raised an eyebrow, gesturing to the other boy, “Who’s your friend? You’ve never mentioned him to me before.”
Link gave his friend a sly wink as he turned to Miya. “Oh, you mean Chaud? Why, jealous?”
“That depends…”
“On what?”
“…just how close are you two?” her voice seemed to rise with suspicion.
The elfin boy walked over to his ocean eyed friend and put an arm around him. “Oh yeah, we’re best friends.”
Miya replied coolly, “Well in that case…yes.” Link laughed. Her eyes narrowed, “When did you meet him?”
“Two years ago.”
“I see…well!” she turned to Chaud, “It was nice meeting you. ”
The boy shifted his gaze, locking their eyes. Yes…it was. Miya stared, wide eyed. He looked away with a “Humph.”
She gave him an odd look. “Well…” her voice was directed at Link, but her eyes saw Chaud, “I guess I’ll be seeing you later then.” Confusion was written all over her face as she walked back to Amy.
Miya was pondering over what just happened, and her eyes were not in front of her. “Miya look out!” came Amy’s voice too late. The next thing she knew was she was on the ground, dazed, with a luminous figure towering over her. “Ugh…” Miya groaned, shaking her head to clear it. She looked up into a mean ugly face, biting her lip in apology as she stood up. The other stood almost two heads above her own.
“I am so sorry! I wasn’t-! Ah!” She cringed when he appeared he was about to strike her. His golden eyes bore into her, making her shift uncomfortably. His hands were in tense balled up fists.
“Humph. I’ll let it slide this time, next time stay out of my way freshman…but just to make sure you won’t forget…” he rubbed his hands together with a twisted smirk on his twisted face.
If she had been stronger, maybe she could have fought back. And the room was much too crowded to try and run, else she would have tried that already. Miya’s face fell, and her shoulders sagged helplessly. She looked down, bracing for whatever her meant to do to her. I feel so…argh!! I don’t deserve to stay here. Thoughts sped through her mind, pounding her esteem down with every other one if not every thought.
End Chapter Three
YAAY!! 4laugh I hope you guys liked it! ^^ heehee! 4laugh
anyways, there seems to be no new unfamiliars this chapter...THOUGH! there are some new
Link "Eluryh" from the Legend of Zelda!! whee yay-ness!!
heart Eugene Chaud Blaze heart from Megaman!
and lastly! ^^
Ganondorf Dragmire from the Legend of Zelda! ^^
lol. ^^ hope you guys enjoyed it and plz DO comment! whee
ps: GUESS WHAT!?!? whee I got the new Zelda game!!!

it is SOOOOOOOOO fun! you should totally go buy it!!
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