Helloooooooo all peoples!!!!! 4laugh
I am very excited for this is the first time I am posting a story on gaia. ^^ A quick heads up on this story: it is a fanfiction written by yours truely consisting of some of my real life friends and favored charaters from all different games, and animes, and movies are featured in it. ^^ so please do read and comment!
Chapter One-
Miya Hitachi slowly finished her cereal as she stared at the digital clock a few feet away. 7: 48. The bus would arrive in a few minutes to take her to her first day of high school at a new place, and she wasn’t even dressed yet.
“Miya!” her mother called from the second story. “Hurry dear! The bus will be here any minute!”
The fourteen year old girl sighed and gulped down the rest of her breakfast. “Sure Mom!” Miya threw her bowl into the sink and ran to her room. She picked out her favorite pair of jeans and a black sleeveless turtleneck shirt with a pink fox stitched on it. After slipping them on, she heard the bus pull up outside to take all the new freshmen to the new school.
“Honey! The bus is here!” her mother appeared at the door.
“Hold on Mom…almost ready,” Miya fitted a loose pink belt on her hips, “Why don’t you talk to the bus driver for a moment.” She jumped into her tennis shoes as her mother left the room. Slipping on a pink rubber band on her wrist and grabbing her pack that held many of her belongings she would need for her freshman year. Miya snatched an oversized sweater hanging behind the door before closing it shut. Her raven black hair swayed as she ran down the steps.
Once outside she hopped into the bus yelling a quick good-bye to her mother before the bus took off to the sky and into space. Miya’s icy blue eyes looked around the bus for an empty seat. She spotted a vacant seat to have all to herself and quickly sat down before anyone else would take it. Setting her pack down, Miya set her feet up on the seat next to her in a comfortable position. In a few minutes, she was fast asleep.
A couple hours later, Miya woke up to the sound of the bus’ screeching stop. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. The double doors opened and a dark skinned boy walked in, a purple bandana over his dark hair. He looked around. Setting his eyes on Miya, he made his way to her.
“Mind if I sit here?” He smiled.
Miya hesitated. “Umm…sure.” She scooted over to give him some room.
The boy laughed. “Don’t worry, I don’t bite.” Sitting down, he offered his hand to her as the bus took off once again. “By the way, I’m Kai.”
She accepted his hand, shaking it. “Hey, I’m Miya.” She grinned, “Nice to meet you.”
A few hours later, after a couple more pick ups, they arrived at Dark Dimension High. A high school/ college located at the edge of the galaxy.
With her pack slung over a shoulder, Miya stepped down from the bus in awe. “Wow,” was all the sound she could muster at the moment. The school was huge. Dorms, school buildings, houses, restaurants, and training areas were scattered all around the place yet they were in neat order, with plenty off room to spare for the students to roam freely. A loud voice interrupted her thoughts.
“Freshmen! Please quickly make your way to the office building over there to receive your dorm room numbers, keys, and class schedules,” the bus driver pointed to a large structure that towered above all the others, “And after doing so, I want no messing around with the other students. Go strait to your dorm rooms and get a good night’s sleep. Tomorrow will be a nightmare.” He emphasized the last word smugly, “Trust me.”
Miya made her way to the tall building along with the other students. Once inside, she approached one of the many computers. The girl touched the screen.
Enter name. Miya Kyoto Hitachi.
Birth date. January 19, 2292
Home city/country. United States
Thank you. You have dorm A1. Room number 213. Please take your key.
A white card slipped out of a small slit. Miya took it and placed it in her pack. A second later her schedule appeared on the screen. “Oh my goodness!” she gasped. Everything she asked for and more was fit into her schedule. “Wow.”
Do you wish to print?
“Er, Yes. Four copies please.” Immediately, four sheets of paper flew out of the computer’s printer. “Wow. That was fast,” Miya stuffed them into her pack. Then turning back to the computer another screen flashed on; this time a map of the whole school grounds.
Do you wish to print?
“Yeah sure…” After a few mores minutes in front of the computer, Miya sighed, “Finally! Geeze that took forever.”
Again throwing her pack over her shoulder, she left the building in search of her dorm.
“213.” Miya stared at the door for a moment and looked down at her card key. 213. She slid the key down the slot and turned the knob when a small bulb on the door flashed green. Two girls turned their head to see who the intruder was.
They smiled. One brunette offered her hand with twinkling violet eyes. “Hi! ^^ I’m Amelia Miyamoto, but you can call me Amy, and this is Samantha Beech!”
The other, who had darker hair, grinned. “Nice to meet you! Call me Sam.”
Miya took Amy’s hand shaking it with a small smile on her face. “Hey, I’m Miya Hitachi…and…you guys could call me Mai for short…but Miya is fine too. So you guys are my roommates?”
“Yep!” Sam piped.
“This is a really big room…” Miya awed as she walked to the bare part of the room she assumed that was her portion. She opened up her pack and took out a small crystal-like cube that seemed to be made of magic substance merged with technology.
“Oh, cool! ^^” Amy jumped up and stared at the cube in Miya’s hand. “That’s one of those things that you could like put a million things in! Where’d you get it?! I know we don’t have stuff like that down on earth, that’s for sure!” Miya handed it over for her new found friend to inspect.
Sam looked equally awed with wide grayish blue eyes. “Aren’t those like made with black holes that are miniaturized and contained? That is so awesome,” she added when Miya nodded with glee, obviously pleased by their reactions.
Her two roommates messed with the little gadget for a while before Miya asked it to be returned. She pushed a button, causing her bed popped out. She repeated this process until all her things were unpacked. “What?” Miya asked innocently at their stares.
Amy shook her heard. “Nothing.” The girl went back to rearranging her own things as did Sam.
She shrugged and also began to push her stuff into place, starting with her bed. A few hours later Sam stood up and brushed her hands together to indicate she was completely finished unpacking. “I’m done,” she announced. Looking at her watch the girl smiled, “And look! It’s still only 3:00. If you guys hurry up and finish, we’ll have lots of time to get used to this place and get lost for the first time.” This girl in particular seemed to be the hyperactive type who never seemed to run out of energy.
Get lost for the first time? Miya grinned with amusement as Sam turned to help Amy finish up. She knew that Samantha would be a very fun friend to have. All three were done by four and talked over what they might do. It seemed that they had grown rather close in a few hours.
“I’m going to the game room,” Samantha declared without hesitating. “Anyone else coming with me?”
“Sure…” Amy’s answer came slowly as if she wanted to go some place else.
Miya had wished to walk around more but agreed none the less. “I’m in.” She jumped up from her bed and pocketed her cell phone. She hesitated to whether or not to take her sweater, but decided against it. “Let’s go!”
End Chapter One
oh yes, and since there were only unfamiliars in here let me give you the cast:
Miya - wings of eternity
Amelia(Amy): Kititos Meow
Samantha(Sam): sammi_spaz
edit: wait never mind, Kai is in here....and if you don't know where he came from or you know many Kai's. this is the Kai from the HarvestMoons. ^^
and there you go! these first three are members of gaia(and are also the main unfamiliars) the rest of them will consist of my other non-gaian friends... mrgreen
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Pm me when you put up more ^.^ I can't wait to read the rest!